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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I noticed that the Linky has Homeschooling Hatter's post as "Grief and the Young Gifted" but the contribution specifically for the blog tour was "Just Let Him Be a Kid." And the picture for "When a Flower Blooms" is from my blog, but it was a guest post and those kids aren't the ones being mentioned in the post. Would you mind changing it to the Blog Tour logo? And thank you for putting that together! It looks really professional. :D
  2. I do pictures and nicknames for the kids. (My last name is in my username for everything, including my blog.)
  3. Thank you for asking! This is something that would never have occurred to me, and it's so interesting reading the different replies. My FIL is a pastor and is the one who baptized me (I was engaged to his son at the time.) He also married us for free, and since he was paying for part of the honeymoon, it didn't occur to us to tip him for that, either. :tongue_smilie:
  4. Oh, then I'm in luck! Our wedding was very cheap. :p
  5. *shrug* They like it. I didn't know enough about the levels when we started (the maxed out test put them at lesson 71/120), and they're perfectly happy playing. Ds4 has been playing MoreStarfall.com for a year, even though there isn't anything really new or challenging at this point. He just turned 4 in March, and I figured review would be good since I've been too sick for the past 7 months of pregnancy to teach him anything, and he's been picking up stuff on his own. Plus, it's addressed aspects of reading, like testing comprehension, that I hadn't worked on with him before, so it's been a good experience.
  6. You know that line from the Bucket List, "never trust a fart?" Well, I trusted, and it wasn't just a fart. :glare: Dh is never going to let me live that down.
  7. I don't want to mess up their progress reports by me looking around and doing stuff on it. I told ds6 he couldn't start it until he finished map 12/Lesson 120 of the Eggs side.
  8. So, three weeks or so ago I let the kids try out Reading Eggs. Both ds6 and ds4 maxed out the placement test and they've been going at it at a quick pace as they haven't encountered anything "new" to them yet. Ds6 has gone a bit faster, partially because he tested out of their Mathseeds, and ds4 wanted to start Mathseeds at the beginning, so he's been doing those, too, with his time. Ds6 just finished Map 11/Lesson 110, ds4 is on Map 10/Lesson 103. Ds6 is racing forward because he's dying to try out the next level, Reading Eggspress. Ds4 wants to do everything that ds6 does (and their reading levels are pretty much the same) but I'm wondering if Reading Eggspress will be age inappropriate for a 4 year old? The description is for 7-13 year olds. Can anyone with kids who have used the Reading Eggspress level give me a clue about the material? We used some codes so I haven't had to pay yet.
  9. lol My aunt in Anchorage has been complaining about the heat. I think heat makes everything worse! Sorry about your daughter. :(
  10. The thing about nouns is there are actually a lot of different kinds of nouns. While learning about those nouns my son actually learned a lot of other information as well. Here's a link to my blog reviews of the first 40 lessons (keep in mind that the reviews are in backward order; I can't seem to fix that.....,) and what we did with them, so you have an idea of what it covered. We didn't start WWE (though I did buy it) because my son's handwriting and reading just weren't where I wanted them to be before we started it. We will start it in the fall.
  11. I found this recently thanks to one of the other threads. Scroll down a little and there are a lot of links for information under the subheading "Testing."
  12. Perhaps Right Start? I don't know for certain, but it seems purely for one on one.
  13. Do we do this before or after the blog tour is over? If we're suppose to be doing it right now, who is e-mailing out the html info?
  14. From her facebook "[baby boy] arrived at 605am.Weighed in at 6.3 lbs 20 inches." This morning! She was being induced early because of some possible potential problems.
  15. If you're talking about me, I'm doing much better now and I can do this if I understood exactly what it is you need from me? And in other news the Blog Tour is officially started! :) My post turned out a bit different than I original planned, so I hope I didn't completely lose the meaning behind the title. :(
  16. You could always wear a "My Name is Jane" sticker when you see him so he doesn't have to worry about forgetting. :)
  17. Hearing about all the different standards for testing for G&T classes and such has been very interesting for me. I was in elementary school in the 90's in California. Everyone in my 3rd grade class took a test and only another kid (an Asian kid, since the differences in family achievement expectations for different cultures was mentioned earlier) and I were selected to take a secondary test. I have no idea what that test was, but it was the first time anyone asked me if the picture of the glass of water was "half full or half empty" and if the picture of the sun was a "sunrise" or a "sunset" and I thought they were nuts for asking such a silly question with no other information to base an answer on. As far as I am aware, the GATE program was just a few extra curricular activity classes that were done in the stupid early hours of the morning. I remember a three person Native American class where we learned about the local natives, played a game with walnut shells and carved canoes out of soap and a class with a bunch of older kids where we put together rocket kits and then launched them. If there was more to it than that, my Granny never signed me up or told me about it.
  18. With #1 I puked a lot, didn't eat much, and when I got out of the hospital I weighed less than I did before I became pregnant. (And I started the weight that was right for my height.) With #2 I wasn't too sick, and I had him at 32 weeks. I don't remember my weight. With #3 (current pregnancy) I have HG and I lost 15 lbs by the time I was 3 months along. (This time I had the extra weight to lose.) I am 6 months and am finally gaining and am close to my pre-pregnancy weight.
  19. Pregnancy hormones are weird. I had a tuna fish sandwich today. When I opened the can it didn't smell like fish to me, it smelled like my instant coffee mix. I've had a bunch of burps thanks to the acid reflux and they all taste like instant vanilla cappuccino. ????

    1. vikingmom


      oh man, what a nice burp to have:-)

  20. feed by M.T. Anderson might be a good book for him. I consider it dystopic and not just futuristic. Amazon description: Identity crises, consumerism, and star-crossed teenage love in a futuristic society where people connect to the Internet via feeds implanted in their brains. For Titus and his friends, it started out like any ordinary trip to the moon - a chance to party during spring break and play with some stupid low-grav at the Ricochet Lounge. But that was before the crazy hacker caused all their feeds to malfunction, sending them to the hospital to lie around with nothing inside their heads for days. And it was before Titus met Violet, a beautiful, brainy teenage girl who has decided to fight the feed and its omnipresent ability to categorize human thoughts and desires. Following in the footsteps of George Orwell, Anthony Burgess, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr., M. T. Anderson has created a not-so-brave new world — and a smart, savage satire that has captivated readers with its view of an imagined future that veers unnervingly close to the here and now. It's a bit more modern than a lot of the classics mentioned on here. But it, I think, would hit a young teen close to home and get him engaged in thinking about how close we are to something like that.
  21. ^^^That is a GREAT short story and it really sticks with you and makes you think! Also agree with the PP who recommended The Giver if he hasn't read it yet and Ender's Game.
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