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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I make a point of never threatening the kids with something I'm not willing to follow through with.
  2. Lady Bug is 1 month old now (1 week gestationally) and is taking 3 oz at a time! Probably 5.5lbs now. :)

  3. We're a one car family. Dh gets the groceries on his way home from work.
  4. Today I dressed up my not quite 1 month old (born at 36 weeks) preemie daughter in my Josephina doll's clothes. It will be fun someday when she's old enough to play with the doll to tell her that she was once so small that she fit in those very doll clothes. Just thought it'd make y'all smile. :)
  5. Ds6.5 wants to be a builder (has for years now) and has shown a lot of interest in eco homes and alternative building materials. Ds4 says "chef!" when asked.
  6. My new pediatrician for Lady Bug said the new research recommendation is rear-facing until age 2! :huh: I asked what happens with their legs and she said they're just scrunched up against the back of the seat. Um, NO, I will not be doing that.
  7. I have family who are Alaskan fishermen (not the Deadliest Catch kind.) My brother started working with them when he was 15 and now makes $40 K for 4 month's worth of work. A LOT of manual labor, injuries do happen. You have to work your way up, building skill.
  8. This might help with identifying all the state of being/helping verbs. It's a memory trick I learned in a private school.
  9. Dh and I decided our dream getaway-from-the-kids vacation would be a tour of Italy where we took cooking classes in the different regions.
  10. I've been letting my son play since he was 5.5. Here's a blog post about it from that time. I've been meaning to write another one about how his creative play has advanced; especially with contraptions and machines with circuits, repeaters, levers, pistons, and the like. He plays by himself or with his dad.
  11. As long as you're asking yourself that question, you're doing okay. :tongue_smilie:
  12. I don't know about ETC, but I did a blog post that synced up OPGTR and the Bob books (also with Hooked on Phonics.)
  13. Well it sure looks like hillfarm knows what to do! Glad you got help. :)
  14. http://pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=understairs%20ideas&rs=ac&len=6 Under stairs ideas on Pinterest.
  15. Apparently posting about pee or poo in a historical setting and not a potty training setting is breaking a rule? Really?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theYoungerMrsWarde


      Actually it was a thread asking about Saxon math, only the title was "Is anyone a Saxon guru?" so I shared some ancient Saxon facts I got from Horrible Histories as a joke. The post got deleted, no message or reason given as to why. Though if you want to know more about what people did before toilets, search Horrible Histories on youtube.

    3. nmoira


      Hmm. That is odd, especially given some of the things discussed around here. :(

    4. Reflections


      How odd. As if they couldn't take care of it in the thread itself. Or send you a pm. Must be a twitchy mod.

  16. You could try the LeapFrog Scribble and Write. Here's my blog review of it.
  17. I hope you don't mind, but I'd really like to quote this on my blog. Would you like your name to be credited or remain anonymous? I'm planning on including the meme and a link to this thread.
  18. New avatar with all THREE of my children!!

    1. melbotoast


      What a sweet picture :)

  19. The character Will Ferrrel played on The Office for a few episodes. The character was obsessed with the region.
  20. She's home!! 11 days sure was easier than 7 weeks. :tongue_smilie:
  21. Just got the call from the NICU doctor: SHE'S COMING HOME TODAY!!!!
  22. I wanted to share the post I wrote this morning for my blog. I kept crying writing it, so here's a trigger warning for those who have had preemies or difficulty bonding with new babies. And here's a new picture of Lady Bug (being held by Nana) to make up for making you sad. :) (There are more pictures on the blog post.)
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