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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: Dh and I were going to see it in theaters. Now I know I can wait for Redbox. Thank you.
  2. We're getting speech therapy at the local school for free, even as homeschoolers.
  3. You can not take away from your child the "Luke, I AM your father!" revelation! It's a major american cultural reference! The shock is meaningless if you watch I-III first. You have to watch the old ones first! Also, skip the first three unless your kids are too old to imitate Jar Jar Binks. Trust me, you do NOT want that.
  4. I just used the Bible and a Magic School Bus episode to explain the basic concept of String Theory to my almost 7 year old, BEFORE I finished my coffee.

    1. melbotoast


      Can I come to your homeschool? :)

    2. mlbuchina


      Me, too? Pretty please? LOL

  5. The LeapFrog dvds are fantastic and most parents who use them will swear by them.
  6. I think it's weird that in the pilot the Red Queen used magic once, but we don't see her use it at all ever again.
  7. That's where I met my husband!! But.....he's lost the knowledge somehow (high school class) and can only cook 3 different dinners, not counting mac & cheese from a box.
  8. Lots of great details about the clothes can be found on my favorite Kate blog here. It also had a lot of pictures that I hadn't seen yet.
  9. How I've responded in the past: "It's definitely not for everyone." Personally I don't think I could be a public school mom. That is WAY too early to wake up! ;)
  10. I think switching to All About Spelling could really help both your spelling problem and your reading problem, since it's very good about teaching the rules, but without having to go back to the beginning in the same book that taught to read. If he's doing so poorly with Spelling Workout I would not continue with it.
  11. Since Halloween is near I thought I'd share the knight costumes I made for the boys this week. (Here's my blog post with instructions.) They only cost $5.50/costume (not counting the paint which I already had and not counting the swords.) It should go well with SOTW2 or a knights unit study, which we're doing. (Sorry about the picture size.)
  12. Okay, that is the only thing that would ever even make me consider watching the movie. But then, seeing him like what I've heard about the character would probably ruin him for me.
  13. First episode Henry is 10. There were not a lot of seasonal changes shown when Emma and Snow were in the Enchanted Forest, and then when they find Neal/Bea Henry says he is 11.
  14. The actor who plays Henry is likely starting puberty. He was supposed to be 10 when the series started.While time is not passing quickly in the show, this is their 3rd year filming, so the actor's probably 13 by now. I noticed that the actor playing Bea in the flashbacks is much taller compared to his father than he was in the first season.
  15. That's the guy she was trying to hook in season 1 who brought Mr. Pamok with him. You know, the one Mary had sex-but-not-intercourse with who died in her bed and created the giant scandal? His name is Evelyn Napier.
  16. I NEVER thought I would say this, but I saw a picture of Hook without the guyliner and.....he looks better with guyliner! :svengo:
  17. I've only seen a clip, but I think it's the loss of his constant scarf that makes him look less frumpy. That, and taking up weapons.
  18. When Bea/Neal went through the first portal as a kid he landed in London in the 1800's (????) He was adopted by the Darlings and he ended up volunteering to go with the Shadow so that the little boy would not be taken. He struggled, dropped into the ocean, and Hook fished him out of the water. That is how he ended up on Hook's ship.
  19. Let your kids pick a Magic School Bus episode to learn about! This blog has a "curriculum" for expanded learning for each one. :)
  20. Lady Bug started smiling this week! (Sorry, I don't know how to make it smaller....) I get to introduce my daughter to my grandmother/woman who raised me on Monday. Even though she won't remember it on Tuesday, I'm still so happy that all by one of my grandparents will have gotten to meet ALL of my children. (She's the last for us.)
  21. We're watching it on hulu. My almost 7 year old is obsessed with both the adult and the kid show and we're having a Masterchef themed birthday party in November.
  22. I can't believe the GF was okay with that!!!! (Your ex not divorcing you while he was with her, I mean.)
  23. To all the mommas who have miscarried out there, what would be the best thing to say to someone in that situation? Was there anything that stood out to you that someone said that was good instead of hurtful?
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