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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Thinking about dystopian fiction, it makes since that the heroine would come from the starving class and a villian would be from the more privilaged class. The opposite dosen't make as much sense.
  2. Tamora Pierce: one herioine is short and stocky/muscular, one is taller than most of the boys, one is pudgy-and is made fun of for it and shrugs it off. I love her books, even now as an adult.
  3. Early Bird is in a very similar situation. I blog quite a bit about what you do. Start here. ;) Here's what we did when he was that age for science. He's done SOTW1 just fine. We also do FLL1, WWE1, just without requiring handwriting output.
  4. Sigh, as soon as I watched the first eppisode of Almost Human and loved it, I knew ut would only last one season. Too much expensive effects like Terra Nova.
  5. Reading the OP, this sounds like the friendship ending is coming from the mother, not the daughter.
  6. Would not smoke it. Smoke is a trigger for me, and I'm just not interested. I am supportive of medical marajuna, and if I was in a medical situation that it could help, I would. Otherwise, not interested, and my neighbors better not smoke it outside around my kids!!!!
  7. I reserve the term "friend" for close people who know me well and I TRUST. My MIL's definition seemes to be anyone she sees on a regular basis who is nice to her. When they totally betrayed my trust and I tried to establish boundaries and said that I could no longer be friends with them, just family; well then I was a back stabbing, betraying, monsterous disowner. ( all her words.) My point is it means different things to different people,
  8. I know there's an age gap/ability difference, but Life of Fred books are what got my (7 year old) reluctant reader actually reading. Maybe, if you found a story about a subject that he really enjoys, it would help?
  9. We do FLL1 four days a week, one lesson (or review of a lesson if it's needed) a day. Usually takes 5-10 minutes, usually closer to 5 because we do not do the copy work. After FLL we do a lesson in WWE 1. We do Day 1 & 2 together on the first day, Day 3 (copy work) the second day, and split Day 4 up so that if they have an extra long narration to write out it can be split up so they're not overwhelmed by it.
  10. My oldest is capable of reading, but he's resisted it, doesn't have any stamina, and isn't much interested. But he loves math and I finally purchased the first 6 LOF books and HE'S READING ALL ON HIS OWN!!!!! :party: He read all of Cats in ONE day! I am beyond the moon thrilled. This just goes to show that he can, he just wasn't interested before. I'm really hoping that now he won't be intimidated by chapter books and will try something like Magic Tree House or something. So, if you have a math loving reluctant reader, try Life of Fred!
  11. When will I ever learn? Put the diaper on the baby IMEDIATLY after the bath. Snuggling a naked, wrapped-in-a-towel baby is going to result in a wet lap. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theYoungerMrsWarde
    3. Peaceful Isle

      Peaceful Isle

      yup, been there! Mine tried to pee on his bed once he got away!

    4. Mrs_JWM


      Mine pooped on the bed three days after she was born. We commemorated the event in Sharpie, and my now-eight-year-old thinks it's hysterical when I turn the mattress. Stay dry! :)

  12. http://peacehillpress.com/affiliates/ Aw, carp, yet another thing I have to make $100 before I get paid. Never going to happen. :( AND they want a tax ID or SSN. :001_unsure: And a Pay Pal account.
  13. I clicked on the banner add and it's taking me to a google search for "banner add." Other John, please fix!!
  14. This is a real thing now?! How do I sign up?!?! ETA: SMH I saw the add as I was hitting "submit."
  15. My mother had child #12 at age....42? Not that that's OLD or anything.... :leaving:
  16. :iagree: After having a chartreuse loving child who you DARE NOT mistake for green or yellow around, I dare not call it anything else. ;)
  17. My 5 year old (will be 5 by the time the next "school year" starts) will be doing everything his older brother (will be 3rd grade) is doing except for different levels of handwriting and math. :huh:
  18. And I learned more European history from it than I ever learned in American school. It's added understanding and appreciation to things mentioned in BBC's Sherlock, Call the Midwife, Doctor Who, and Downton Abby. When Mr. Carson made a reference to "Wat Tyler," I knew who that was thanks to HH!
  19. Sorry, the episodes are all over the place. Even inside the episodes they cover different time periods. You CAN find most of them on youtube....
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