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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. That....was....FABULOUS! :drool5: Wow! I have NEVER been to a church like that! I am glad you got out. :glare:
  2. Exactly! ;) I'm responsible for cutting dh's hair. I think his grown out curls are incredibly sexy and I hate how he looks with a buzz cut. Until I remember the lusting women at his work. :toetap05: Then I cut it. And then I'm sad.
  3. Just saw this on Pinterest. I have never tried it. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/262264378274904557/
  4. Male modesty. ;) What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? http://thesaltcollective.org/modesty-whensuitsbecomestumblingblock/?utm_content=buffer3399d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  5. I hate drinking plain old regular water. But I have found that I drink much more water if it's in a sports top water bottle than a cup.
  6. My parents are in prison for child abuse. Even though I now have a good relationship with my repentant mother, I still don't send a card. She didn't raise me, she has completely failed as a mother, I'm not celebrating that aspect of her personhood. (No contact with my father, so it's a non issue.) The grandparents who tried to raise me, sometimes I remember to call, sometimes I don't. But even when my grandfather was alive, I didn't call him because at best he was a clueless, disengage d jerk; at worse he was emotionally abusive. I didn't owe him anything.
  7. In previous years I bought a plain t-shirt and used paint to make the kids' handprints on it. This year I bought a white t-shirt and some fabric markers. I traced their hands and then let them draw all over the front. :) There is a lot of Minecraft stuff on it. :P
  8. My granny always called it "melted plastic." She also called white bread with butter "white glue."
  9. Would Manhattan roads ever see any sunlight?
  10. I used melatonin and 5-HTP together to help me get off of Ambien.
  11. *shrug* I was skeptical when Dh told me that about teenage boys, too. I just thought the perspective might be useful to the OP, as I have never been a teenage male.
  12. This is based on Dh's experience as a teenage boy, and conversations with his male teenage friends. He graduated high school 11 years ago, so the memory is fairly fresh still.
  13. Is her father not intimidating? Dh says he wants to start working out now so when the time comes, he will be for boys interested in Lady Bug. He says that guys wouldn't dream of doing things to a daughter if the guy thinks the dad could beat him up. On the other hand, he thinks that if the guy thinks he could take the dad, he'll be more handsy/pushy with the daughter. Does the dad own guns?
  14. Or you could go the Jim Bob Duggar route and be so obnoxiously sexual/fondling/ humping that they're completely turned off of the idea of even touching each other. :P
  15. If that was my daughter, I would want to know. You need to show, not just tell, but sit down and show her parents the phone/iPad/ whatever. Then you need to all as a group (him, her, her parents, and you) have a big, embarrassing conversation about them having sex.
  16. Oh, and Dh works for dentists and I call all of them Dr. Last Name and so does Dh. Dentists get so often "oh, you're not a REAL doctor" even though they go to medical school and THEN dental school. So I show that respect.
  17. I'm old fashioned. I dreamed of being "Mrs. _____" for a long time. No one calls me Mrs. Warde in real life. :( it's weird to me to be called just my first name by friends'/acquaintances' children. I prefer at least "Miss First Name" or "Auntie First Name" as my best friend's kids did. But we moved, and NO ONE does that here. This is why my internet name everywhere is Mrs. Warde. :P
  18. I loved Lie to Me. :D I'll take this when I'm not on my phone.
  19. I suggest taking the free assessment that you can print out from the website. They also have subject specific workbooks if there's a weak area.
  20. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/s600x600/10373619_10202072834689752_4456314445077354930_n.jpg Here's a pick saying and 67 others. Because of the post, if it hadn't been for the star, I would have thought it was just 67_Others at it again. ;)
  21. Early Bird (very language oriented) was 3.5 (?) when he started listening to his older brother's FLL1 lessons and 4 when he started insisting I ask him the questions, too. I also added stuff to FLL1 to make it more hands on for my kinetic learner, Builder Boy. I've been blogging about the stuff I added if you're interested. There is a lot of other stuff in FLL1 that I think makes it a great kindergarten program.
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