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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  2. Actually, they WANT you to take it if you don't have your own. The reps who visit my church have said so.
  3. This curriculum was written by a homeschooling speech therapist FOR parents. I don't know how young it works, but check it out. I bought the ebook version (the complete set, not just some of the letters) through Curriclicks. We had an usual reaction to it. Here's my blog post about it. But I would recommend it; the ebook is reasonably priced.
  4. I also read that comment as sarcastic. Especially when she ended it with needing to consider the "boner."
  5. I completely understand this, and how important it is for some people to stick to the plan. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: You are NOT being unreasonable.
  6. I used Hooked On Phonics levels to approximate grade levels in OPGTR. Here's the blog post with the information. Like a PP, my kids have figured it out and it's all review now (we're in the back of the book) but we keep plugging through, 2 lessons a day (8-10 minutes) because there are occasional gaps.
  7. http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/2012/08/double-crown-of-ancient-egypt.html Here's my blog post on making the crown. (Though the curved strip of paper is supposed to go in the front not the back.) I'm a more visual person, so there are lots of pictures. :) We never did the crook. But we did do a Pharaoh's collar, ancient Egyptian wig, and a kilt!
  8. We can also at times be quite lustful. :p :001_wub: :drool5:
  9. We will be schooling through the summer, but just the basics plus child led interests such as woodworking, basic carpentry, and study of architecture. (For Builder Boy.)
  10. I was under the impression tbat "full" eyebrows were "in." So much so, that people are transplanting hair from other sources, to make them fuller? But, I don't read fashion magazines, so I could be wrong.
  11. You listed all the things you've had him tested for. Have you considered gifted testing? Research gifted overexcitiblilities and see if you think it might fit. Because, yes, you WERE unfair. I would have been upset by that at that age, too. Gifted kids often have a very strong sense of fairness/justice that when violated can be extremely hurtful to them.Beyond what you as a normal parent would expect or understand.
  12. So, do you let the kids go trick or treating, give them different candy, but tell them the candy they walked for and collected they can't have but just leave it in their bag and then take it away after two weeks? What is the point of that?
  13. My dream is to retire here. In an eco-home built into the side of a hill.
  14. Word Nerd, I hear the same thing with our tv and I HATE it!
  15. No diaper changes on Mother's day; Dh has to do all of them. Sleep in, cards made by my boys and husband, dinner out. Every 5 or 6 years Mom day is ON my birthday. Or the same weekend/weekend before. So the whole weekend belongs to me. :P We're taking the kids to a hibachi (sp?) grill for the first time for them and dh. That's going to be fun. :D
  16. Research gifted emotional overexcitiblilities and see if you think it fits.
  17. I hate hearing "YOUR hands are full!" I have 3; :huh: that makes me feel like I look like I'm not handling my extremely well behave children well. :glare:
  18. Dh is a a very competent dental assistant and he gets told all the time he should be a dentist. I hate people essentially telling him he's settled or isn't doing enough. :(
  19. You can do a trial week on Dreambox for free! We liked it a lot.
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