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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Ds7 asks a lot of questions; most of which I don't know the answers too. :D ETA: and some of my recent searched may have put me on an NSA watch-list. Because I'm a rebel like that. ;)
  2. Confession: I wish I could just talk about my adorable early learner more. :( I hate being so self conscious about it and worrying about making other parents feel bad. I was looking at old family video clips and came across a video of ds#2 correctly identifying letter names and sounds at 2 years, 2 months old. It's so CUTE hearing him make the sounds with his little baby voice. :001_wub: 10 months later, on his 3rd brithday, he finished HOP kindergarten and was moving on to 1st grade. Another confession: I have no memory of what my oldest was like at my middle child's age, and I have no clue what's normal and what to expect. I feel like a new parent sometimes with baby #3.
  3. :iagree: Mine, too! He wants to know if all space flight is faked how are they faking the effect of communication satellites? And if the sun is a spotlight, what is the moon? And this link makes the interesting point that it would take more money and technology to fake the moon landing than to actually go to the moon. The author also makes a point about people who believe in conspiracy theories. http://www.ejectejecteject.com/archives/000140.html
  4. Mine's in jail for child abuse. There are other mothers in that jail, for various reasons. This Christmas we bought a present for the Angel Tree charity that organizes presents for kids with parents in jail. Our Angel Tree little girl's mother was the parent in jail. With all evidence to the contary, some people still like to romanticizes and generalize.
  5. They're a good indicator to slow down and be more aware. Before I moved there were several areas with white crosses and fake flowers; one section had 3 cross from 3 different incidents. Whenever I saw them I drove more carefully.
  6. Answering the title: At 8:30 Daddy takes ds7 and ds4.5 upstairs for bed. He brushes their teeth and sometimes flosses them. Then he reads a short devotion, they pray, kisses, goodnight in their bunk beds. Less than 10 minutes usually. Sometimes they go to sleep right away, sometimes they talk and play in the dark. Usually they're asleep by 9/9:15pm. Maybe you should try a shorter routine and a little bit later bedtime.
  7. Can this be a Daddy-Son bonding thing? Or you may just have to run out of diapers and not buy any new ones and deal with several days of naked-butt-crying.
  8. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Sounds to me like you need some time to grieve. It sounds like it was a very good thing for your family that you got out of there and I am so glad it hasn't destroyed your faith. Don't engage with the old pastor anymore. He's not going to give you what you want/need. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  9. Depression sucks. I've been dealing with it all December. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  10. I would want to know, and I wouldn't keep a secret from a spouse other than a surprise party or something like that.
  11. http://www.realsimple.com/holidays-entertaining/holidays/christmas/art-christmas-tree-lighting-10000001016034/index.html I read somewhere to do on side of the tree and then the other, to make taking them off easier.
  12. We've always made sure to tell the kids that some parents do Santa/Tooth Fairy/Easter Bunny/Leprechauns because they think it's a fun game and we don't tell other kids it's not real because that would make them sad. But they have no problem telling adults who ask if they're being good for Santa "Santa's not real!" The only time I saw ds#1 be asked about one of the pretends by a kid he just kind of clammed up.
  13. My in-laws were aghast that we decided not to do Santa and I swear every parenting decision I make that is different from MIL's she sees as a censure of her choices. :glare: But I stuck firm and I am SO glad I did because we didn't know it then but Ds#1 is a VERY black & white, literal thinker and if we had lied to him about it he would have been completely devastated to find it out. We've never lied to him, so it would have been Earth shattering.
  14. I know with Dh's phone they stopped making updates and such and it just worked horribly after a while. Lame.
  15. Ds7's birthday was in November and all he wanted was to make a cheesecake all by himself. And learn how to cook. So I collaborated with his gift giving relatives and he got cookbooks and his very own cooking supplies; measuring cups, spoons, a kid-intended veggie prep set, etc. That's all he got, cooking supplies. And, according to him, it was a "dream come true!" For Christmas I asked him what he wanted and he said "More science!" So I gave him the Home Science Tools catalog (which he gets soooo excited over every time one shows up in the mail) and a budget and he picked out 12 things and then narrowed it down to 2. He's getting a soda bottle rocket launcher and a Motors and Generator Experiment kit.
  16. At Dh's company's Christmas party ds4 out of the blue announced to Dh's boss "My Mommy makes BABY MILK for my sister!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Belacqua


      Heh. And how did Boss respond?

    3. Mommy22alyns


      Aww, that is cute!


    4. theYoungerMrsWarde


      I think he said something like "oh, that's good."


  17. I got brandy because I thought that's what you're supposed to use in it. But it's so bitter! And, it makes me sleepy and muddles my head so I can't stand up straight or type straight. (I drunk facebooked. Thankfully, you can barely understand it.) Is Whipped Cream Vodka sweet? My sister says vodka affects her differently than brandy, and brandy does the same to her so I was thinking of trying the Whipped Cream Vodka next....
  18. I think that's sweet! My best friend named her first daughter after her sister that died as a baby from SID. Her whole family told her her baby would die of SIDs, too, because she gave her that name. :blink: She didn't.
  19. Sorry....but remembering my 7 year old self, I'd have wanted the pink easy bake. But the only one's I've seen in the store this year are purple...
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