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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Because I almost died with both of my first pregnancies, no one in my family thought I should get pregnant again. So we waited 3 months with most people to tell them. But I was so sick with morning sickness that I'd already told half of my family, asking for prayers. :tongue_smilie:
  2. I got to make out with 10 in a dream once. BEST.DREAM.EVER! Worst dream ever: when I was dating Dh as a teen I had a dream that I walked in on him and my sister.....drinking teA. I couldn't shake that ugly picture for a while. :(
  3. A red feather boa! I think you could find many things at a Thrift Store.
  4. I think there will be reason to suspect Mr. Bates because he was in York planning to murder Green, but before he completed his plan, someone else got to him. Or he was searching for another victim to come forward and accuse Green.
  5. Thank you so much for your service! Thank you for keeping us free. :patriot: :gnorsi:
  6. Aaaaaaaagggghhhh! I was watching it last night, accidentally clicked the mouse, and I lost access! And it hasn't been available when I've looked since! I was only half way through. :( That's what I get for watching an unauthorized version. :(
  7. What are you doing to teach your kids about Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day? I learned a lot preparing our lesson plan for today! I never knew the reason for the poppies that the veteran's sold before I started preparing for today. How do you explain war/the "need" for war to young, sensitive kids? (Here's the blog post link for the lesson plan if you're interested.)
  8. From this blog page: http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/p/2013-2014.html and all the rest of the blog posts linking to SOTW, OPGTR, WTM, FLL1 throughout 2012-now. The error page IS different today than it was before. But it's still not taking people to the PHP store. These were the links before the change to the site.
  9. I believe they added some stuff from Ender's Shadow, which is a parallel book of Ender's Game from a different character's (Bean) perspective Me, too! .
  10. Sorry to burst your bubbles, but I don't think they pay that much attention to genetics and how much they look alike when they're casting the actors. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Now I'm wondering what the recidivism rate for "repentant internet sinners" is... :D
  12. .....and that is very annoying. Was there truly no way to have the old links re-direct to the new links, SWB & Team? I am grateful for TWTM. It convinced my husband and I we could homeschool. We use 90% of your suggestions. I've been blogging for over a year and linking to your old site, giving your site links preference over Amazon affiliate links I could make money from. And now those links don't work, and I'm not in the mood right now to find and fix every single link on my blog. By changing the links and not fixing it, you're losing traffic from my blog and all the other blogs that have "old" links to you.
  13. Silly me. I thought that board was just for suggestions for the forum.
  14. .....and that is very annoying. Was there truly no way to have the old links re-direct to the new links, SWB & Team? I am grateful for TWTM. It convinced my husband and I we could homeschool. We use 90% of your suggestions. I've been blogging for over a year and linking to your old site, giving your site links preference over Amazon affiliate links I could make money from. And now those links don't work, and I'm not in the mood right now to find and fix every single link on my blog. By changing the links and not fixing it, you're losing traffic from my blog and all the other blogs that have "old" links to you. /vent
  15. I'm still new to this state (Idaho) but in my town it doesn't look like there ARE any regulations. We've got houses in the middle of corn fields, churches in between corn fields, and corn fields between the Walmart parking lot and the RV selling lot! :confused1: And beet fields right next to the sugar beet processing factory. It's taking some getting used to from where we moved from. (California.)
  16. This year I feel like pulling a Walmart and skipping Thanksgiving and doing two months of Christmas. :P

  17. Other person in the cage could be a diminished form of Ursula. Or Rumple's Shadow.
  18. He needed money, I remember that. But he was willing to wait as long as he knew she'd be there at the end of the wait. Otherwise he needed to move on.
  19. This year I'm doing it with the kids and I love their responses so far! Builder Boy even came up with answers for Lady bug. :D I'm turning our answers into a fall leaf garland to hang as a Thanksgiving decoration. I blogged about it if you're interested. What are your kids' best answers? My 6 year old's answers to the first 3 days were: Family, the whole entire Earth, and his whole entire life. My 4 year old's answers were God, candy, and pumpkin pie. The baby's "answers" were her brothers, love, and her nice heart. :)
  20. Only one more episode?!?!? But...BUT....nothing's really happened this season, it seems. I did NOT appreciate what they did with Anna. :crying: I am very relieved that Edith didn't go through with it. Are they going to leave us hanging with Michael?
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