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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Your children's ages are very close to what mine were with my last and worst pregnancy. They are not traumatized.Older ds learned to fix breakfast for himself and his brother in the mornings (cereal, muffins and fruit, or oatmeal microwaved.) They watched lots of educational shows and played educational computer games and survived. They're a little feral at times, and we're easing into not just them getting to do whatever they want anymore, but it's fine.
  2. Umm...wasn't most of Ender's Shadow in Bean's mind?
  3. I have one. It's mostly just sharing my blog posts. Dustybug has one and jenbrdsly has one, too.
  4. The impression I got from this trailer is that they intend to make the school portion very short and the battle portion the longest because it makes a "cooler" movie. This is the opposite of how I remember the book. They should have made it two movies, splitting it where he graduates Battle School. :( I will watch it, but I have very little hope. And don't forget what they did to Ella Enchanted! :shudder:
  5. Books! Lots and lots of books. Pretty much the movies, tv show dvds, and music that I have now, with just a few more added. Oh, and I loved that movie. :D
  6. I have a coupon code on my blog for that that makes it only $15! I've been wanting to do the exact same thing for WWE that you did with it.
  7. Yes. Whole word memorization with NO phonics, spelling lists to memorize with NO rules explained, absolutly NO grammar instruction, humongous gaps in material.... It's the second reason we started considering homeschooling when ds#1 was 6 months old.
  8. Think of it from Rumple's view: the guy who stole his wife going after his (as far as he knows) dead son's baby mama. Yeah.....
  9. Hook is Henry's Step-Grandfather. Him + Emma is almost incestuous when you look at it that way.
  10. I didn't read all the replies, but if you can afford it look into online classes or things like Reading Eggs and Dreambox. It really helped me get through 1st grade with my HG pregnancy.
  11. I searched my local library and the have NO books from this series. They have a few that I can get from ILL, but not many. :(
  12. Sounds pretty normal. :) I would do half and half: get him to do just 5 or 10 minutes and then let him play with the manipulatives. Just be careful; that was my older son's favorite part. Especially when we did copies and reflections with blocks. Then we had to end every lesson with that, and then in his mind "math" meant playing with the blocks. :001_rolleyes:
  13. Here's the part that makes me think this isn't satire: "I think [Tolkin] is featured on the on the commentary track, so I look forward to that."
  14. What timing! I just posted on Thursday about the folder timeline I made.
  15. For Christmas a few years back my husband's 90 year old grandmother gave me "lingerie." HER lingerie! It was so ugly and not even close to sexy (think OLD LADY lingerie.) But she said that she thought Dh, her grandson, would like it. Did I mention it was her's?! She said she hadn't worn it (or worn it much) but it had a stain on it. :svengo:
  16. For the 2003-2004 school year I was required to have one for Algebra 2. The school had some that could be loaned for the year to students who could not afford it.
  17. My daughter is only 7 weeks old. Is it too soon to ask for a catalog? :toetap05:
  18. My most vivid memory of the Lights was in Anchorage, not too much light pollution, with them stretching across the sky (green) and reflected on the snow covered mountains. I miss AK so much, but I know where I am now is better for my mental health. (SAD and unmediated depression + teenager hormones is a dangerous combination.)
  19. Happy (American) Citizenship Day!

  20. FLL1 and what we did to make it more kinetic and fun.
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