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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Smoked herring kippered snack with Crystal hot sauce, sour cream, cilantro, and garlic salt. :001_wub: The foodies in the family loved it, the picky eaters didn't.
  2. The reason I see is because day 4 is story AND copywork (writing the child's narration,) once you're past the first 6 weeks or so? We swapped it at first. Narration, copywork, narration, copywork. Once the extra copywork came up we now do Day 1: Narration AND copywork (Lessons #2&1,) Day 2: Copywork Day 3: Narration and first part of writing their narration. (Mine tend toward long narrations.) Day 4: finish writing narration if it's long. If not, no lesson!
  3. Did they actually leave the building with them, or was the Play in a different part of the church? Either way; YIKES!
  4. :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Praying that the Lord speaks to your husband in a way he will listen. Whether that's a whisper, or a smack on the head with the Holy Spirit. And that you find a new church home. <3
  6. The Gifted Homeschoolers Forum has another blog hop up that I thought ya'll might be interested in. :) Here's the link: http://giftedhomeschoolers.org/blog-hops/promoting-health-wellness-gifted-2e-child/ And here's my contribution concerning taking kids to the dentist. My Dh is a dental assistant, and he co-authored the post.
  7. Dh (registered dental assistant) says without previous xrays the doc would have no comparison. Gums receding around an implant is not uncommon. If her retainer covers her teeth then she has NO need for a night guard. Hope that helps.
  8. Mine would happily live off a raw veggie tray if I let them. Ds5 likes raw veggies over cooked any day. :)
  9. I don't have one (that I know of) but this is my go-to blog post about VSL kids. http://dancing-with-dragons.blogspot.com/2012/07/teaching-visual-spatial-learner-when.html
  10. PANDAS? Or something similar in spelling. I forget what it stands for, but it's the sudden onset of a mental disorder triggered by a viral infection, I think?
  11. I thought he did, but when I had him say it again later, no.
  12. In my experience, mothers of geniuses are very hesitant to call their children that.
  13. Ds5 at Walmart: "The Spanish word for bath in bano!" I said "how do you know THAT?" Ds5: "It says so on that sign! It has the English word, bath, and the Spanish word, bano!"
  14. I'm sorry, but what could they possibly have cut out that would explain JB doggy-style humping his wife in public in front of their daughter and her boyfriend? Under what condition would that be understandable and okay?
  15. Oh, THAT would be nice! I don't know if I can do that on my news source app, but I am sick of getting updates!! dinging on my phone, to tell me who won the NCAA bracket. I.don't.care.
  16. Dh always gets the side closest to the door so I don't get woken up (usually) when he goes to work. Right now that's the left side for me.
  17. I wrote a blog post on the difference between Reading Eggs and Reading Express. They really need an in between. http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/2013/06/going-from-reading-eggs-to-reading.html
  18. I lasted less than 2 months at Subway. Those ovens made it so HOT, and I had so much else going on in my life that I started fainting and vomiting every time I tried to work there.
  19. I think Zoe kissed him first, but only after the mustache disappeared.
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