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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. She produces a product (her books) and people purchase them. She also gets paid as a public speaker; a LOT of people get paid for speeches. Not sure what else she gets paid for that you're referring to...?
  2. I love these: http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/2012/11/a-pinterest-breakfast.html The pancake muffins are especially easy. http://pinterest.com/pin/498984833683384712/ I made these last night and they are REALLY good! I made them in regular sized muffin tins with beaten egg and turkey ham added on top and it was extra good. http://pinterest.com/pin/498984833684640338/ And cinnamon rolls in a waffle iron are fun and can be made ahead and eaten later. http://pinterest.com/pin/498984833683384709/
  3. I had the same problem when my kids reached that stage. I didn't want them reading a bunch of words they hadn't been taught yet, and all the "early reader" books are chalk full of "sight words." The HOP books were okay-ish, but they still had more sight words than I wanted. Progressive Phonics has books you can print for free that focus just on blends. http://progressivephonics.com/
  4. I had it bad for 8 months with #1 (boy) I lost so much weight I weighed less leaving the hospital than I did before I got pregnant. I had it only very lightly with #2 (boy) This time around it's so bad I'm officially HG. I'm on two different medications, have had one trip to the hospital to get hydrated with IV fluids, and I lost 15 lbs before I got it under control (girl)
  5. Actually, I made it last December for a Christmas present for my youngest who loves playing with food and pretending to cook. But I'm excited because I finally got my (super easy and inexpensive) instructions up on my blog. I'm sharing here because Christmas is only 6 months away! And while you don't need 6 months to make it, if you like to bargain hunt for the shelving units to convert, you might want to start looking around now. ETA: Here's the Pin if you're interested.
  6. Oh, it's not still in there; it got used up.
  7. I have glazed moose poop earrings from Alaska. :D I especially liked wearing them (as a teen) with my big puffy fake brown fur coat.
  8. Paul Soares Jr. doesn't have swearing in his. Dh watches them with our 6 year old. One the occasion that he has a video where someone else is also on and is indelicate, there is a warning at the beginning of the video.
  9. You all have me beat! The "weirdest" think I've ever had in my freezer was several months' worth of pumped breastmilk. (I also stored some in my in-law's freezer, too.)
  10. :ohmy: :thumbdown: That is so gross. I'm so glad I wasn't alive back then!
  11. I read /skimmed a psychology book in high school. I don't remember the name of it but I remember it said it was written by the author of "The Naked Ape." It talked about why certain things are considered sexual / arousing /attractive to men. That's where I learned about lipstick is suppose to make women look aroused. Shoulders and knees are supposedly attractive because they are round and remind men of breasts. Not sure how much of that is true, but I'll tell you dh loves my exposed shoulders and neck area when I wear a spaghetti strap top (at home.)
  12. Yes, my dreams stick with me a LOT. Often, and sometimes all day. I still remember vividly dreams I've had in the past. Some nightmares I'll never be able to forget, even when I want to.
  13. This blog post has an example of the last page of the Zaner-Bloser K level workbook that Builder Boy finished at the beginning of 1st grade. He moved on to doing his own draw & write pages in a journal. He could draw a picture and write two, sometimes three short sentences that he came up with, with spelling help from me. We did not do diction, exactly, but he would tell me what he wanted to write, and then I would repeat his sentence so he could concentrate on the writing and spelling. He was newly turned 6 years old.
  14. We did (mostly) for 1st grade. I blogged about it, especially our SOTW projects and using FLL. We will be continuing with the same schedule for our next year.
  15. Another vote for "UGH!" I am completely shocked that anyone would think this was a good idea, let alone a GRANDMOTHER at her granddaughter's BAPTISM! You or your husband need to call your MIL and make it very clear that this is unacceptable. And warn the pastor.
  16. I looked at the comments on the youtube website from the past 3 months (it's been up for a year and a half) and none of the comments I read thought the author of the song was gay bashing. In over 1.5 million views, there are only 169 thumbs down. I don't think most people who view this are seeing gay bashing, homophobia hate. (And youtube commentors are notorious for being easily offended or insulting.) I think Bill must have something in his personal history that makes him extremely sensitive to anything that reminds him of something clearly traumatizing for him or someone he's close to. I'm not saying that just because no one else sees what he's seeing doesn't mean it isn't there. But Bill, please consider that your personal experience could be tainting your viewing.
  17. Waiting for Bill to tell us this isn't funny but really a form of bullying. :ph34r:
  18. I can't. :( I ended up getting a LOT of recessive genes and my brother and sister I grew up with got a lot of the dominate genes. They could both curl their tongues; they had brown eyes, I was the only one out of 12 kids to have hazel. And those taste test strips they sent home from biology class? I was the only one of my brother, sister, and grandparents raising us that couldn't taste them. Dh can curl his tongue. Our kids are too little to accurately assess if they can or not, so I voted "other."
  19. This is very good to know, I did not know this! Thank you!
  20. Never heard of it. Googled it and still had never heard of anything similar. Grew up mostly in CA, some in AK. :tongue_smilie:
  21. Links to all of this year's: http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/search/label/Parenting%20the%20Gifted%20Blog%20Tour%202013 Links to all of last year's: http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/search/label/Parenting%20the%20Gifted%20Blog%20Tour%202012 (click on the article names for links to the actual articles.)
  22. My pencils all get lost before they're even half way used up, so I've never encountered this problem... :wacko:
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