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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I heartily disagree with you. Teaching a child to shoot when that is your family culture does NOT equal child soldiers being taken from their families and forced into war.
  2. My first thought was the mom was being smart by wearing eye protection but she should have had some for the little girl as well. Especially if this is the daughter's first time dealing with recoil.
  3. HEY! We just moved to the Nampa/Caldwell area 3 months ago!!! From what I looked up, if your kids have never been to school, there is no paperwork or anything. You can get in trouble if someone can prove educational neglect, but you're pretty much on your own. From what I understand there are a LOT of homeschoolers in the area. I've just been too pregnant sick to try to meet them. There are also good libraries in the area (I'm told) but again, I'm not well enough to leave the house most days. PM if you move to the area!
  4. I have the If... (Questions For the Game of Life) and love it, but dh thinks when I ask people questions I'm putting them on the spot/interrogating them.
  5. Wow, really, someone freaked out about that?! I feel sorry for her husband.
  6. Alcohol also gets pen off a flat screen monitor. :glare:
  7. I love his stuff and his two homeschooling songs; especially the "Homeschool Blues" song. :D
  8. Question about the blog tour schedule: Last year's was in July, this year's is in June; was that a typo or intentional? Last year's started on a Sunday, this year's on a Friday; this made me wonder again if it was suppose to be July, or did that schedule just make more sense?
  9. There was a kid once, older than Builder Boy, who played with him in the play area at the library at a time that made me think he MUST be homeschooled. I was dying to ask, because he was so NICE engaging and talking to my son, but I didn't want to creep out his parents by approaching him, and I never did see his parents anywhere.
  10. I would purchase unscented, since you don't know what's going to turn you off next.
  11. Ds6.5 did that; he was obsessed with Thomas and Friends when he was little to I figured he got it from that. He watches a lot of "How It's Made" and makes facotries with his blocks with coveyer belts and narrates that, too. Ds4 is the one who will tell you what you're suppose to say in his play scenario. :)
  12. CODEBREAKING!!!! http://www.amazon.com/Codebreaker-Kids-Avon-Camelot-book/dp/038075228X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1369075634&sr=1-1&keywords=codebreaker+kids http://www.amazon.com/The-Code-Book-Science-Cryptography/dp/0385495323/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1369075524&sr=8-1&keywords=the+code+book http://www.amazon.com/Top-Secret-Handbook-Ciphers-Writing/dp/0763629723/ref=pd_sim_b_3 http://www.amazon.com/Cryptoclub-Using-Mathematics-Break-Secret/dp/156881223X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1369190896&sr=1-1&keywords=math+%2B+secret+codes At the end of the month/summer have them invent their own code and give it to each other to see if they can crack it!
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Klingon_Hamlet http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Klingon_Hamlet.html?id=DZXjYLZEYXsC Her friends bought it for her.
  14. A friend received Hamlet translated into Klingon as a present once. :D
  15. I can post a general "thank you"/props post at the end of mine, but we've really only been officially homeschooling for one year now, so it seemed like someone who's been doing the WTM system a bit longer than that should be the one giving the main credit and thanks. Though I will certainly mention how grateful I am that they host this forum, like I did in last year's post. I also give all PHP product mentions links to their website first, rather than using Amazon Affiliate links.
  16. Oops, I posted without reading any of the other replies, and hadn't seen that you'd made a decision. I wasn't trying to change your mind.
  17. Um, you're moving. Your house is half-packed, and full of boxes, right? Forgive me if this to too blunt or rude, but I think it was very unfair of your husband to put you in this situation (to host a guest while you're in the middle of all this.) I say have him in a hotel.
  18. I wouldn't do it, but on the other hand that is her child back there. It's not like she just walked back their for no apparent/good reason.
  19. Expecting Lilly Catherine August 20th! (Scheduled c-section because my previous births were emergency c-sections and while I was willing to try a vbac with #2 before the emergency happened, I'm not willing to risk a vba2c.) At the beginning of this week I had NOTHING (aside from a boy themed swing and pack-n-play) but my best friend picked me up a like-new carseat for $10 and some baby girl clothes (my first two are boys.)
  20. Your card idea made me think of these that I've read about: http://morninghugsandgoodnightkisses.blogspot.com/2012/05/summer-bucket-list.html http://teachingmybabytoread.blog.com/2012/06/26/staying-sane-over-summer-break/
  21. Would you share those questions? I would love to do this!
  22. I can't bring myself to watch Tristan and Isolde because of the lead guy actor.
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