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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Finaly had the ultrasound today and it's a GIRL!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. theYoungerMrsWarde


      lol, this is at 22weeks 3 days and there was a VERY clear shot, so I'm going to risk it ;) and buy a ton of PINK!


    3. Tress


      COngratulations! Girls are fun (I have four :-)

    4. catz


      YAY! Go buy yourself some pink. :)

  2. Well at THIS homeschool the teacher is most definitely making out with the principal. ;)
  3. Thank you, I will Google that now I know what to look for.
  4. Was it when the writer was listing the fathers of the church and talked about how they lived by faith and therefore were considered saved?
  5. May I ask what people's religious objections to surrogacy is? And what people think is unethical about it? I understand people not doing it because they would feel too attached, but I don't understand what could be unethical about it. Or what religion would have a problem with it. (I'm a Christian.)
  6. If my pregnancies weren't so horribly miserable and life threatening, I would do it in a heartbeat. I think it's a wonderful gift, and I think I would be able to emotionally distance myself enough to give the baby to it's *real* parents.
  7. No murderers or affairs (that I know of) but according to other students the pottery teacher had them making bongs and the guy who was suppose to catch kids leaving the school was high. In 5th grade I argued with a teacher who insisted that evolution was fact, not theory and she hated on me the rest of the year. When lice went around school I got it (other kids did, too) but the day I stayed home because of it she told the whole class why I was home (she didn't do it with any of the other kids) and my ONE friend that year shunned me after that. In high school I had a math teacher who played the "Celebrate good times, come on!" song every.time. we had a quiz or test. I had a history teacher who was obsessed with Frank Sinatra. We had "Sinatra Mondays" every Monday where we listened to one of his songs and listened to facts about his life. There were Sinatra questions on all the tests that we got extra credit for. My other history teacher loved hot actors and would kiss the tv screen when one showed up on one of the movies she was showing us. The health teacher gave us the final at the beginning of the year and if we passed with a 90% or better we got an automatic A and acted as the teacher's assistant for the year. I was SO bummed I only got a 89%.
  8. A portable dvd player is one of the best investments we ever made.
  9. Funny because for my maiden name it showed (from the 1920 census) only three states, and one was Nevada where I know a LOT of Drowns were back then.
  10. I put my boys in bunk beds when they were 4.5(?) & 2. We kept the old beds in the room for a few nights to give ds#1 a chance to get used to the upper bunk before saying he HAD to sleep up there. We also got cool removable wall stickers (a solar system and rocket ships) and put them up on the wall as incentive and interest to go up the ladder in the first place. It worked out fine and after a few days he was completely comfortable going up and down, even in the early morning lack of light. Be aware, however, that the little one is going to want to go where the big sibling goes, and ds#2 learned to climb that ladder when he was 2 1/2.
  11. Just wanted to say I love your avatar. :001_wub: I giggle every time I think of the line "Got married; that was a mistake. Good Queen Bess, though I tell you her nickname's no longer the....well...." Sadly I had to explain to Dh why that's funny.
  12. I think what most people do is move on to spelling and vocabulary.
  13. I showed this to dh who is a registered dental assistant (6.5 years of experience.) This is his response (Please don't sue us. ;)): I'm used to looking at x-rays and photos as a basis for advice but I don't have that luxury here, so I will try to give you some advice so you can make an informed decision on your own. The broken crown is probably something that can be ignored for awhile, assuming more porcelain doesn't chip off. If it does, as long as it doesn't open up a space between the teeth where food can get trapped, It's (relatively) stable. That's probably one of the last things to fix, but should be done at some point. The fillings around the front teeth are probably discoloring because of leakage around the edge, which is to be expected with most composite fillings(especially ones that old.) If they have been in for 18 years, and there are no fractures, keep them clean and you could probably get more life out of them. As for the molars, the old dentist was probably trying to do you a favor by placing a filling instead of a crown. It sounds like (from what you said he told you) he was not 100% sure if a filling would hold up long term, but he was confident it would last a few years at least. I know from working with many doctors that with an ambiguous diagnosis like that, they would probably be pleased that it held up as long as it has. Five years can be a long time in dental land depending on the situation, especially since a lot of them will only guarantee their work for a year or so(If you stop being their patient that is.) As a general rule, what they teach in dental school is that if fillings take up more than 1/3 of the tooth, it should be a crown. Silver(amalgam) fillings that are that big can cause fractures over time that could become a big problem. Large composite fillings can leak over time and don't provide a great deal of support to the tooth. I have seen way too many of these guys break off, some end up needing root canals, some don't, but it's still a gamble. Molars take a lot of force and fillings are meant to fill a hole, not hold teeth together. Honestly, $350 isn't that expensive in terms of what a lot of doctors charge, but a root canal will probably double or triple that easily. If I was looking a a picture of it right now, and there were no fractures and no discoloration around the edge of the fillings, I would feel better about risking it. Just keep in mind that multiple fillings on multiple surfaces WILL eventually need to be taken care of, and a lack of discomfort is not a reliable indicator that there isn't a problem. Hope this helps, good luck.
  14. Slept in ridiculously late and ate really weird foods, all to grow a baby. :001_wub: But I did lift a finger to call in two prescriptions so that I can keep the food down. :001_tt2:
  15. I'd say "Why doesn't one of you" because it's directed at a plural "you." Even though only one has to do it, you're still talking to more than one.
  16. I made friends with the high school librarians, too. I ended up with a lot of the "throw away" books. That's how I got my 1957 Encycolpida set (in almost-new condition!) :thumbup:
  17. In elementary school everyone knew me as "The Girl Who Read at Recess." I was the only kid who voluntarily sat on the time-out bench because it had the best shade. The librarian saw me every morning and every afternoon. I completely understand your concern. Please don't try to change her (not that I think you would.) I have no advice other than "she'll survive" and have her make friends with the librarian.
  18. I don't know, sorry. I could try asking her later today. I don't know how severe her allergies are without it, either. I just remember her visiting us and always going to a local beekeeper for the honey.
  19. My grandmother has used local honey to help her allergies for a long time.
  20. Because sometimes other parents with difficult children need to know that they're not alone. Because sometimes people respond with something really helpful. And because sometimes it leads to discussions that lead to discoveries.
  21. (Haven't read any other replies yet) Once you have a c-section, for whatever reason, you are more likely to have a c-section with your following pregnancies due to the risk of uterine tearing along the first incision site. There are probably more people who opt for a (considered) safer 2nd c-section rather than a (considered) more risky vbac. This could be uping the stats. My first two were emergency c-sections and even if I don't have an emergency with this one (please, Lord) I will still have a scheduled c-section because I am unwilling to risk a vba2c.
  22. I love the family tradition as a gift! I don't think it's tacky at all. Just add a little note about the history of the tradition. And you can give her the mixer afterwards.
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