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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :eek: :ack2: NEVER would I be okay with them bringing in a PLACENTA! And splattering blood?! You need to complain to someone above the teacher's head!!! I took Foods and Nutrition and that is what we did: food and nutrition. (And that was less than 10 years ago.)
  2. Saying this as someone who's parents are in jail for assault and child abuse (father 29 years for the actual doing and mother 20 years for never stopping it): leave. And don't go back again. My mother has told me she wishes she'd never gone back after she left him for a short time.
  3. For me, I'd rather have someone with experience, who knows what he's actually talking about. But I'm not Catholic. I also prefer pediatricians who are parents.
  4. I thought caster oil could make the baby poop and then they can inhale it and get really sick/die?! I've read so many times not to do cater oil and how dangerous it can be for the baby, I'm surprised no one's mentioned that yet?!
  5. I don't have a daughter (yet???) but I plan on insisting on one-piece swimming suits if I do.
  6. Is he old enough to ask him what he thinks the consequences should be? Not committing to go by what he says, but seeing where his thinking is?
  7. LOL, that was my first thought to the bumper sticker, too!
  8. My sister and I have agreements about which names are for her future kids and which are for mine. If I specifically asked her not to use a name, and she did, I would be really hurt. Thankfully our name choices are very different, and so far there have been no conflicts. I even "let" her have my 2nd favorite girl name for her baby (she's waiting to find out) but I told her that if I had twin girls before she had a daughter that I "get it back." But this is my last pregnancy (I'll make sure of that) and it's not twins, so she can "keep" the name.
  9. Allowing yourself to be helped is a blessing to those offering it. I had to learn a hard way that denying help (when I needed it) was denying others the chance to be blessed by helping. Also, if the church fund isn't getting used, then there are less likely to be donations for it, where as if it used, they likely might get more funding than they would have otherwise, which will help other people.
  10. I read the first response to dh and he said a pulpotomy with the pain killer Carbocaine is a good option for your situation as long as the dentist was comfortable with working on you in your condition. He really recommends getting the OB clearance first.
  11. My dental assistant dh says you should call your OB to get clearance for what is okay and what is not when you're in your 3rd trimester. A dentist's office would need to take X-rays, too.
  12. My blog review of a the LeapFrog Scribble and Write. It's not actually a curriculum, but it's non-consumable, not messy, and great for younger kids. I also second Right Start Math.
  13. Last week, all I wanted was sausages and chicken breasts sandwiches. This week, I can't stand the thought of putting chicken or ground beef/ground anything anywhere near me. Yes, pregnancy cravings are weird. :rolleyes: Have you looked yours up to see what it is your body really needs, so you can maybe get it in a healthier format?
  14. Wow, that's some strong wind out there! And did I just hear THUNDER?! So much for playing outside today.

  15. On pinterest I've seen instructions for turning your dh's old t-shirts in to "yarn" that can be crocheted with a Q hook into bags/net-like bags for groceries.
  16. They're probably likely to get more search hits with the keyword "Duggar" in the article.
  17. Boiled dinner (corned beef, potatoes, carrots, cabbage.) That's about it, but I LOVE corned beef and we only buy it the one time a year, so that's special to me. St. P's is two days before one of the boy's birthdays, so we save our money and fun for the birthday.
  18. Bringing this thread back because thanks to the forewarning I received through this thread, I have now started teaching my 13.5 week fetus's ovaries. I don't know yet if it's a girl, but if it is, her children will be ahead of the game tremendously. If it's a boy, then I'm going to need that support group ;) This is a PSA zombie thread revival for those who NEED this information!
  19. Sorry, but Mary is NOT good enough for Mr. Darcy! :toetap05:
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