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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I like the "everything I ate was vomit in the making" comment. That described my 1st pregnancy and my current pregnancy. With my first I ate what I could stand to throw up. With my 2nd pregnancy I ate fairly normally (mostly healthy) and didn't worry about the occasional treat. This time around I'm eating really healthy (mostly whole foods, and almost nothing baked or processed,) but that's mostly because I can't stand hardly anything.at.all.
  2. I've broken two toes (two different times.) I just wrapped it attached to the toe next to it and dealt with the pain (sandals & Motrin/Tylenol.) My in-laws were both paramedics and they said there isn't anything else a doctor could do. Now if it was my whole foot, then I'd go in. But after weeks and weeks the toe got better, and there don't seem to be any problems with them now.
  3. Oh, I know my preemie is completely attached, I'm not worried about that. I was just curious to see if they were included in the study/report.
  4. lol I saw that on Pinterest for the first time yesterday. Or you could do a Bill Engval and say that you don't think a police officer would ever lie for any reason. :D
  5. Do they mention with preemies if the "first" 12 months start in the hospital, or when they are developmentally 0 days instead of negative? Ds3.75 was in the hospital for 2 months before he came home. I couldn't even touch him for almost a week. Once we could hold him we did kangaroo time, but that was only for an hour or so a day.
  6. NOT California. We're moving to the south Idaho area in 5 weeks and I'm hoping it's the best state.
  7. My MIL dropped off some canned food for us and used our bathroom today. Thankfully, I was sick upstairs and didn't know about it until after they left. Our toilet looks like it has an infection, and I have pregnancy test boxes and wrappers on the counter....from the weekend before Christmas. :blushing: (I'm 9 weeks along and have been too sick to do anything normal.)
  8. I'll bring onions, though they haven't been doing a good job keeping us healthy this past 2 weeks. :glare: I've spent all but a few hours a day in bed this weekend. The first movie I remember seeing in the theater was Mulan (I was in 7th or 8th grade.)
  9. You can get a plastic nursing shield that might help. I got mine from the lactation consultant at the hospital. (I could not nurse at all without it.) It won't stop the biting, but it can help with the pain until the biting is trained out.
  10. I wrote this blog post a while back about what my kid got out of Minecraft and how it helped with our history lessons. I've been meaning to write another one about all the stuff he's doing with it now. He builds mechanized contraptions with circuits, switches, pistons, levers, relays, repeating relays, etc. He's 6! Yes, it's a time suck. And it's more what you do with it that applies what you know, rather than teaching you a lot of stuff that you didn't already know. But it's a wonderful way to creatively apply and practice what you know.
  11. I'm thinking it's just mammals. Therefore we probably don't need to worry about zombie flies and mosquitoes.
  12. Is it possible that your daughter walked in on your BIL in an embarrassing situation (when she was 10) and didn't realize it? That's the first thing that came to mind, and would explain why he is uncomfortable around her, if every time he sees her he is reminded of it, and why he/his wife doesn't want to talk about it. I think before you cut them off you need to tell them that that is what you're going to do if they won't address the issue with you.
  13. I have a friend who's husband got himself snipped even though she wants more kids. Every chance at church or moms groups she holds the available baby and takes care of it the whole time she's there. I think it helps, some.
  14. Apparently when I was under the influence of valum and Nos at the dentist's office I was swearing a ton and was flipping the assistant the finger. (NOT like me at all, and I have no memory of it.) Worst part? The assistant was my husband and the dentist was his boss.
  15. The first thing I thought of when I saw the name Adela was the singer Adele. That's what you get for sight reading. I didn't know Estella was popular. Matilda the movie was probably long ago enough that her contemporaries wouldn't think of it when they hear her name (let alone the book.) Congrats on the soon-coming baby girl!
  16. I think TKD is more appropriate for children than KM. I did karate for a year when I was 19 and I also took a side KM class and if/when I ever take it up again I will DEFINITELY be doing Krav maga. But for my kids I would want them in TKD or karate, and especially with the drive time factored in.
  17. Pinterest has a LOT of recipes. My kids love Pancake Muffins, which is just pancake mix baked like muffins, so less mess and less time standing over the stove. Baked oatmeal in muffin format is also a big hit around here (and here's a similar baked oatmeal recipe.) I have a small oven, so I bake the muffin-shaped foods in silicon baking cups and I can fit way more of those in at a time. Bacon cup eggs are AWESOME. Only I crack the egg into the cup instead of beating them (kind of like this.) Whenever I've tried to make the baked omelets they've come out poofy, but I know a lot of people like them. And cinnamon rolls made in the waffle iron are genius.
  18. I'd say he conquered death as well. But Paul talked about the thorn in his side that he prayed would be taken away and the answer was "no." I don't believe that Jesus died so that our bodies now would be healed if we just believed/had enough faith. I believe that when we are in His kingdom there will be no sadness, but there is plenty now in the fallen world.
  19. My engagement and wedding rings were a set that we got soldered together when we got married; I wear it everyday. Dh insists on a "ritual" that we have to be kissing when he slides my ring off so I can clean it, then we have to be kissing when it gets put back on. It doesn't get cleaned very often, so it's not sparkly anymore, but I'd feel naked without it. But your friend shouldn't be telling you what you should do with yours. If you and your husband are happy with what you do, that is what matters.
  20. That sounds really interesting! I would love to be a tester. I have a 6yo and an almost 4yo.
  21. Love it! I wanted Felicity for the longest time, but then Josephina came out and I decided that's who I wanted (and got.) ETA: I can't find the quiz? But I'm loving the comments on the original article.
  22. I've had 2 and this pregnancy will probably be a c-section, too. I don't remember a doctor ever saying I shouldn't have more, but I am done after this one.
  23. Pretty sure my entire family thinks I shouldn't have gotten pregnant again. Oh well, they'll love the baby when they get to meet him/her.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tress


      Don't listen to your family. Congratulations!!

    3. RebeccaS


      Congratulations!! I get it. I had 3 in 3 years. Then, we started fostering and we've adopted once and taken in foster babies. So, I'm dealing with it in a similar way. :)

    4. fourisenough


      #4 caused similar reaction in our family members. Now, of course, they couldn't imagine life without her. Hang in there!

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