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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :iagree: I also have an example of the result of the K level on my blog if you're interested. We also got the lined paper for each grade for more practice, which is only another $10, I think.
  2. I have a cousin who named his daughter Anika they had no idea about 7 of 9. Yes! And Teal'c! :svengo: :001_wub: It's an inside joke with dh that he's not suppose to look at girls in bikinis in movies and I'm not suppose to look at Christopher Judge with his shirt off. :D No, Sam was way hotter than Apollo.
  3. Thankfully that didn't last very long. And Worf and Ezre was just weird and wrong.
  4. It doesn't look like you checked out Deep Space Nine? It's very different from the other, IMO. I have a crush on Worf. :001_wub:
  5. Tagless (printed info) shirts are great! But now ds3.5 won't wear hand-me-downs with tags on them. :(

  6. It sounds like the attitude is not just coming from the doctor, but also the nurse who refused to relay information, and the office manager who repeated the "he has a medical degree so you can't argue with him" mentality. I would most definitely find another practice.
  7. I am very happy with Zaner-Bloser. I actually just hosted a guest post from them on my blog about their handwriting curriculum and part of it was about how they use comparatively less strokes than other handwriting styles. (And here's the link to my other blog post about Builder Boy and my experience with them.)
  8. At that stage & age we did all the words on the whiteboard. I liked doing them in different colors, and I would let ds write the "new" part of the word that we were learning. So "stop" was stop for a few lessons, then it became a whole color word that reviewed as we moved on to new words.
  9. I just finished posting on my blog about how OPGTR compares to the "old" version of HOP, K-2nd grade (yellow, orange, red, green, and blue,) including a chart that has every corresponding OPG lesson for each HOP lesson. But my information is outdated. I know there is a "new" version of HOP, and I was wondering how they compare? Has anyone bought/looked through and can tell me if they're the same with different packaging and labels, or are they significantly different? I know that the "new" version comes with DVDs. I'm looking more for what they are teaching at what level, and if the format is the same give-a-sound-then-the-words-that-use-it or if they're actually give the rules/reasons. Even if you have only the new version, would you mind taking a few minutes to look at the post and see how it compares to what you're using? Thank you in advance!
  10. If I had a daughter I'd still be playing with dolls. :D Right now though my boys are NOT careful enough to be allowed anywhere near my Josephina or Kit (Stardust Classics doll.)
  11. Ds6 just drew for his draw & write (his own idea) the Northwestern (from Deadliest Catch) throwing pods overboard and crabs in the hold. "With Captain Sig at the wheel."

    1. caroljenn


      Haha! Love it! My favorite was Capt Phil- I was so bummed when he passed away! =(

  12. Dh wants it, but I told him we're not getting it until our old Wii breaks down. :tongue_smilie:
  13. I think you are suppose to put the period there, but I could be wrong. It's been a while, and I'm only teaching 1st grade so far. But from what I remember, I think the period is suppose to be inside the parentheses.
  14. SOTW 1, Chapter 8, by a (then) 5 yr, 10 month old boy : "Shamshi-Adad was the King of Assur and Hammurabi was the king of Babylon. The Assyrians were mean people. Hammurabi was nice." (I help him with the names when he needs it.)
  15. I love Arbor Mist, but I like my wine sweet.
  16. I had this information hanging around so I thought I'd put it on my blog for those who are interested. It's a chart (or color coded list) saying what Hooked on Phonics or Bob books go with what Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading lesson. Just the kindergarten level (OPGTR up to lesson 40/Section 3.) I'm putting it on here so it's searchable for people looking for similar information. Here's the blog link. Here's the Pin. The chart is a jpg that you are free to copy, print, and share.
  17. I failed less than 100 ft from the still-in-sight DMV building. I didn't pull over for a fire engine comeing the other way because it was only flashing lights, no siren, so I thought that meant I didn't have to pull over. Oops.
  18. I don't know what AAR does, but I don't consider vowel/consonants to be blends. But that could just be what I'm using (OPG, supplemented with HOP.) I know there are consonant blends and vowel teams. :confused:
  19. On my blog whenever I mention a PHP product I link the text in the post to the PHP website listing and then at the bottom of the post I separate the main text from the bottom _____________________________________________ and then I post a picture link to the Amazon.com listing that uses my affiliate code. I also add the information that the original links are for the author's site and that the picture link is to the amazon site. But in 5 months I haven't made even the minimum $10, so I can't tell if what I do keeps people from going to the amazon link or not. I really like the idea of a "for bloggers" link on PHP.
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