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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Whenever that happens to me I just rub it against my teeth until it falls off. At least, I assume that's what happens to it. But it takes a long time. I'd be interested to see what other people say.
  2. Bump. I really thought this was something you guys would get behind. :confused1:
  3. Post a picture? That sounds like something dh would love.
  4. I like Blogger, and I've had someone who uses Wordpress say I have less problems than she does.
  5. I think the best part is it was written by a man, and there's a picture of him using the plastic applicator as a straw. :lol: It was originally posted in The Art of Manliness.
  6. You know you've been spending too much time on Pinterest when you hover over a picture and wonder why there's no "Re-pin" and "Like" button. :P

    1. Robin M

      Robin M

      LOL! So get it.

  7. I'm giving my mil T.A.M.P.O.N.s-Tactical Adventure Medical Preparedness Outdoors Necessity :D I put the blog post info in a brochure type printable and got some pink tampons to go with it.
  8. Ds6 suggests "Para the Helper." Ds3.5 suggests "Green." (he liked the pictures.) I suggest "Ruby" if it's the red kind and "Emerald" if it's the green kind. (I know, not very original.) [ETA: I was typing this at the same time as the other replies, lol.) I read once in a book a woman had a John and John, a "pair-of-keats" parakeets. :lol:
  9. Apparently they are collecting paper snowflakes to decorate the school for when the kids get back. I got the information from jenbrdsly's blog. Here's the link to the information. I thought it would be a nice way we could contribute. I posted some links to Pinterest pins with snowflake patterns on my blog post.
  10. Is that the same as this? jenbrdsly did a few blog posts on it, and found where you can get free Star Wars paper.
  11. Yikes, I couldn't count down from 100 by 7s! Hmmm....okay, maybe I can, but it'd be really slow...
  12. There are some really cool ideas on Pinterest about different things in plastic soda bottles. Some with rice with plastic animals or cars inside, some with sprinkles in water, etc. They can have the experience without the mess or choking worry. ETA: this is what I was thinking of
  13. What is "dlrow" suppose to mean? (world backwards.) Or is a gullible test?
  14. I have no idea who that is. And I don't like bacon. :leaving: But I have a picture of me and Al Roker! (back when he was still on tv.) I went to Hollywood and that was the only famous person I saw. It was also the last time I saw gas at $0.95/gallon.
  15. Ds3.5: "I love you more than cake and chicken nuggets!"

    1. Element
    2. Oak Knoll Mom

      Oak Knoll Mom

      That is true love right there.

  16. Does he like LeapFrog? The My Pal Scout learns the kid's name and plays music and all sorts of other learning/fun things. And it's only $18 so that gives you money for buying some of the dvds if you don't already have them. Ds3.5 still loves Phonics Farm and Numberland.
  17. Salmonella from chicken that hasn't been properly cooked could also kill you. Should cooking chicken for your own consumption be illegal? (Not arguing with you.)
  18. I didn't vote because I don't have a daughter. But both dh and I are very anti-Barbie, Monster High, Bratz, all those types of dolls. We do not want them around, especially if we had a daughter. And should we have a daughter we would make that perfectly clear to family members buying presents. I know that it's unavoidable; at some point (if I did have a daughter) she'd get exposed to them at a friends house. Fine whatever. I like to think I could refuse to let a daughter have them herself without making it a huge drama thing. But that's all hypothetical. I don't have a daughter. I don't care if my boys saw them because I don't think they'd know what to do with them. I would never buy a Barbie or a similar doll for a friend's or relative's daughter, but I would never voice my disapproval to them either. It's their daughter, and not my business.
  19. The exact same thing happens with my kids. I can't imagine them going to public school sick, or missing that much school! So glad we homeschool.
  20. Might not be a popular suggestion, but have you tried TV? What was magic for ds#2 was the second half of Pride and Prejudice. I laid him down on a blanket on the sofa and popped it in and it worked great for a two months. But he spent his first two months of life in the NICU, so he was more used to light and talking than a normal baby.
  21. Well, if they're her grandchildren's sister or brother then that makes sense.
  22. Wow, I wish we could afford that! We're in CA in 990 sq ft for the same price as my inlaw's 1600 sq ft house in ID. Hopefully we'll be moving soon, but even in ID we're not going to ever be able to afford more than that. (We're a family of 4 , maybe 5 someday.) I do agree with the people who said that layout of the house makes a big difference.
  23. The boys (6 & 3.5) are watching the Fireplace show on Netflix instant. They're eating popcorn and apples, and are watching intently to see when it will "burn out." They're 30 minutes into an hour long "episode." The lights except for the Christmas tree are off and there are Christmas carols playing. ETA: They watched the whole 60 minutes. Ds6 said it was "awesome." :tongue_smilie:
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