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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. So sweet! Congratulations! My oldest is hoping for a girl as well, but I still have 6 more weeks to my u/s.
  2. http://www.amazon.com/Teaching-Physics-With-Toys-Hands-/dp/1883822408/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1363627073&sr=8-2&keywords=physics+with+toys Have you looked at this yet?
  3. Corn beef and cabbage (and carrots and red potatoes) in the crock pot for us!
  4. My mother-19 Me-20 She was 40 when she became a grandmother for the first time. Dh's mother-29 Dh-22 She was 51 when she became a grandmother.
  5. I give a stuffed lamb (because Jesus is the Easter Lamb) and a Christian kid book. Sometimes a new VeggieTale DVD. We've never done more than that, so they don't expect more.
  6. These might be helpful to you. http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/2012/12/opgtr-hop-and-bob-books.html http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/2012/12/grade-levels-in-ordinary-parents-guide.html
  7. To add categories on blogger go to the layout page and then the "Add a Gadget." It's called Categories (I think.) You can choose which tags to include or not include. You can have it in list or cloud format, listed alphabetically or by popularity, and chose whether or not to have the number of applicable posts attached.
  8. Never-before-tried Pinterest recipe for crock-pot corn chowder.
  9. I have one (the first link in my signature.) I love looking at other blogs. Since I've been pregnant I haven't been up to much, but I'm trying....
  10. If it helps, there is a 22 year gap between me and my youngest brother. I was pregnant at the same time my mother was pregnant with #11 (my son has an uncle who is 3 months older than he is) and she had #12 after that (an uncle for ds6 who is YOUNGER than he is.)
  11. Builder Boy is going to do something connected to building. We've suspected this for a long time, and he's told us it's what he wants to do when he reaches Daddy's age and goes to work. He's very interested in eco-homes and alternative building supplies. He's 6. Early Bird is like me: he loves/is interested in EVERYTHING, except for the things BB is interested in, lol. I think he might end up being a Vet, possibly at a zoo or a wildlife preserve, and do extreme rock climbing/mount biking as a hobby. But he's only 4 (in just a few days) so he's got time to discover other things. ETA: I LOVED reading all the replies! :001_wub: :001_wub:
  12. lol At my house it looks like this: I sort out toys that I consider "babyish"/too young/not played with enough and put them in a box to the side. It's left open because some of the pieces are missing, and I want them put all away together. They boys discover the toys and get them out and start playing with them again before I find all the missing toys and hide them. Rinse and repeat. The only thing that has helped is moving to another state! But they're still trying to drag the plastic rocking giraffe that is BABY size and they can't fit on!
  13. Nope, sorry, that wasn't directed at you or your quote. It was a general reply to some of the previous comments. ETA: I edited my post to make that more obvious. I apologize if I offended you.
  14. Mine was called Foods or Foods and Nutrition (mostly we just called it Foods class.) California, early 2000's. (ETA) To those who disbelieve because of a lack of immediate action on the part of the mother: And a lot of people on here have asked for opinions who are very anti-confrontational/conflict-phobic. It is believable to me that there are some people out there who wouldn't confront right away.
  15. My anxiety issues are less sever than that, but I agree with momto5blessings. Sometimes talking helps me, sometimes it makes it worse. What you will need to keep in mind is that what she fears/is panicking about will not always sound logical to you, but it doesn't make it less real for the person experiencing it. There isn't much advice you can give that I can think of (other than to get professional help early like momto5blessings said.) Let her talk if it helps her. Sometimes just talking about what I'm feeling/fearing makes it worse.
  16. Awwww! That must have been embarrassing for him!
  17. LOL! Ds6 just read that fly maggots "eat decaying plants or flesh." He looked at me puzzled and said "like zombie flesh?" (Too much Minecraft?)

    1. Freckles


      haha! That's funny.

    2. ladyinthegarden


      LOL! Hilarious...We have a Minecraft addict as well.


  18. Or he already had someone else on the side and was looking for a way out.... (Sorry OP, not a nice thought, I know. Just my suspicious side showing.)
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