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Melissa in Australia

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Everything posted by Melissa in Australia

  1. I am reading it as the question as in raise the IQ score. I believe that people can raise their intelligence in general by exercising their mind. I am trying to do this by studying, both at uni and through my own private study. I believe that IQ tests are limited in their scope, and only test very specific areas of intelligence.
  2. :iagree: Allowing my income information on my son's university application allowed him to get 2 scholarships for coming form a low income background, plus he was able to get a federal government stipend that allows him to live (buy food and accommodation).
  3. I remember reading a lot of twaddle when I was a child. I was a bookworm and read everything. My children all hate reading (Dyslexia), and I assign books to them and have even resorted to bribing them to read some of the texts on their reading lists. It is not that I won't let them read a book that I read as a child, rather if I am going to make them read a book, I am going to pick a worthwhile one for them to read.
  4. missed the other thread. you are in my thoughts :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  5. I remember the very first time my MIL came and visited me form Canada. her very first comment was that I didn't wash the ceiling. I remember thinking that I wasn't aware that it was in my list of jobs. :bored: After that my ceiling got washed just before her annual visit. Now she is too old and frail to come and visit. I no only wash the ceiling just before painting. :coolgleamA: :coolgleamA:
  6. I don't have life insurance at all. Instead I have no mortgage, and money in the bank. I would rather spend the $42 a month on trying to improve my health, It would increase your life expectancy.
  7. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: it is a great feeling isn't it. :party: :party: :party:
  8. other _ but I think I really needed the option none. The only thing I do is this Forum and an Aussie one.
  9. All Australians pay a tuition to send their children to high school. For most public schools this would range from a few hundred dollars to around a thousand, plus school uniforms and books (several hundred more). Private schools are pretty expensive, and range in fees from several thousand to up to (including boarding) $ 45k a year ( what my uncle paid for my cousin). Private schools are viewed as having a better education than public schools, though the top ones are very hard to get into. Land taxes are cheaper because we do not pay school tax in Australia, just the rates on the property. I have successfully home schooled through high school, if you want information about some alternate routs to uni (other than VCE) pm me and I will give you a run down. I cannot advise you about living in Sydney. I Have only been there twice in my whole life. All I know is that it is meant to be extremely expensive.
  10. you were engaged in a position of private tuition? Were a full time home educator?
  11. I am a boring cook. I have only used fresh ones. I peel them, cut an X into the base and then boil them.
  12. first was very long labour- nearly 4 days, most of it in hospital, his head was born with waters intact. 2nd went into labour but stopped as soon as I arrived at the hospital, happened 3 days in a row, so Dr. broke my waters and he was born about 10 hours later. 3rd same as 2nd, but I had him about 7 hours after my waters were broke. 4th well over 2 weeks late, fully induced with that drip thingy. born 3 hours later. Baby was 9 lb 6 oz, and was way too big for me, she got stuck at the shoulders and then the hips. I was pretty torn up internally. 5th easiest by far. woke DH up to tell him to quickly milk the cow and take me the 100km to hospital. Got there and had him 40 minutes later . The labour was almost pain free. I remember telling the nurse I had a long way to go as I could hardly feel any pain. She replied I see the head crowning!
  13. I have only ever seen children this young vomit because of getting completely stressed out. I have also seen the holding of breath one as well. In all cases it wasn't a "bad" behaviour by the child, rather a result of their completely stressed state.
  14. It is a charitable act here as well. Blood can only be given every 12 weeks, and plasma every 2-3 weeks http://www.donateblo...en-can-i-donate Peole who have lived in America are banned from giving blood because of Mad Cow
  15. :grouphug: My grandmother announced at around 78 that she had finally reached an age where she can speak her mind.... and boy does she.... all the family take it as a bit of joke behind her back. Humor helps greatly.
  16. Give her heaps of garlic. It is great for helping ward off colds.
  17. Audrey, I am starting to think we have a lot in common.
  18. This is basically how We live. We don't run a budget. We do take a list but that is because we drive 100km to the shops, and don't want to forget anything. What we do instead of budgeting is try very hard to live on the smallest amount of money we can . We shop, fill the pantry and for the rest of the month we live on whatever we have in the garden or pantry. I pick recipes according to what I have at home. Living like this has allowed us to not only have no mortgage and no debt, but buy other properties as well. All on hardly any income.
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