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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. They are also on Hulu...almost commercial free... I have to watch simply because someone mentioned a homeschooled girl was on.:D Fwiw, imo V is a very good actress.
  2. Good for you; way to use the uncomfortable pause. :grouphug:Hugs to you and everyone dealing with a monster-in-law.
  3. She also may not have sent any letter and just wants to mess with your mind.
  4. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I would have to open it to know, but you might ask dh if he wants to know. kwim? It's harder when it's your mom vs. your crazy mil.
  5. I wouldn't mention it; your children are pretty young and most likely will never put 2 & 2 together unless it's being pointed out to them.
  6. Is anyone sitting in the back seat with him? He sounds miserable, and listening to him must be just about as bad; I can only imagine an 11 hour road-trip. Other ideas: Little mirror he can see himself in Toys Snacks Plenty of stop with bubbles Sit with him Check his car set for fit and comfort.
  7. It sounds like you have very little choice except to call animal control or the police. The situation stinks for your family and that dog.
  8. I was reluctant to make the switch from non-stick, but adjusted very well to SS even for omelets.:001_smile: My SS set is Cuisinart; I've used it for going on 10 years now, and I love being able to scrub it or even use a fork:D. I have some Calphon (sp?), but pretty much stick with my Cuisinart pots and pans.
  9. :grouphug:ICU and stress heaped on families of loved ones can be so overwhelming.
  10. Claustrophobic, panicky...Oh, you mean plant wise. Other than regular house plants, I've had very little success here.
  11. :grouphug:Awww, cute. Congratulations!
  12. :grouphug:Goodness, she is hurtful, manipulative, demanding and pushing your buttons like a pro. Try reading the book Boundaries,by Cloud and Townsend. If you set some reasonable boundaries / limits what ever you want to call them, dealing with her can be less of a drama. MD = your day with your hubby and kids...Have your dh call her, send a gift or what ever, but don't let them decided and demand what your family will do. BECAUSE YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO DO IT RIGHT! She is never going to reasonable, thankful or happy... I'll send a big btdt for 20+years with a narcissistic mil... hug your way.
  13. What a beautiful room! I love the shelves and paint color; it just looks so inviting.
  14. Where I lived, everyone seemed to rinse it and used rice cooker.
  15. :grouphug:I'm so sorry for your loss, and sending prayers.:grouphug:
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