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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. The rest of the story. February 1 - My therapist put me on some meds. I'm a happier and calmer person these days. May 23 - The last few months were a bit of a blur. Took five weeks to wean me off the drugs I was addicted to. Took my car to the local fix-it shop. Would you believe the whole underside of the car is rusted away from all that **** salt they dumped on the roads. The vehicle that I was so proud of now looks like a bashed up heap of rusted cow sh#t. June 12 - I sold the car and house and have made an offer on a house in Arizona. I can't imagine why anyone in their right freakin' mind would ever want to live in this God forsaken state of Vermont. My friend does live in Vermont...my apologies for any ruffled feathers.
  2. My df sent this to me my first winter here. (Remove Vermont and insert your hometown.) Dear Diary: August 12 - Moved in to our new home in Vermont. It is so beautiful here. The hills and river valleys are so picturesque. We have this unbelievable stately old oak tree in our front yard. Can hardly wait to see the change of seasons. This is truly God's country. October 14 - Vermont is such a gorgeous place to live, one of the real special places on Earth. The leaves are turning a multitude of different colors. I love all the shades of reds, oranges and yellow, they are so bright. I went for a walk today and spotted some white-tailed deer. They are so graceful; certainly they must be the most peaceful creatures on Earth. I think this must be paradise. November 20 - Deer season opens this week. All the locals are so excited. I just cannot understand why anyone would want to shoot these elegant animals. I believe they are the symbol of peace and tranquility here in Vermont. I hope it snows soon. I love it here! December 2 - It snowed last night! I awoke to an awesome sight: everything is covered in a beautiful blanket of pure white. The oak tree is stunning with the snow on its limbs. I think I'm living in a postcard! We went out and swept the snow from the steps and the driveway. The air is clean, crisp and refreshing. We had a snow ball fight... ...I won! A snowplow came down the road and he must have gotten too close to the driveway because we had to go out and shovel the end of the driveway again. What a beautiful place. I feel like I'm in total harmony with nature. December 9 - More snow last night. I love it! The plow came by and did his cute little trick again with the driveway. What a rascal! A real winter wonderland. I love it here! December 15 - More snow. I couldn't get out of the driveway to get to work on time. I am exhausted from all the shoveling. And that snowplow! December 21 - More of the white cr@p falling from the sky. I've got blisters on my hands and a nasty kink in my back. I think the snowplow driver waits up the road until I'm done shoveling the driveway and then comes roaring by. What an *******. December 26 - White Christmas? Yeah, it started snowing on Christmas Eve and still is! If I ever get my hands on the son-of-a-***** who drives that plow, I swear I'll castrate him. And why the hell don't they use more salt on these slippery freakin' roads? December 28 - It hasn't stopped snowing since Santa came. That b@#$%rd. I've been inside since then, except of course when that SOB 'Snowplow Harry' comes by. I can't go anywhere. My car's in the garage, but others have cars buried up to their windows. Poor suckers. The frickin' perky weather man on TV says to expect 10 more inches. Do you have any idea how many shovelfuls 10 inches is? January 3 - What a way to start the New Year! There's nothing 'happy' about it. The way it's coming down, it won't all melt until the 4th of July. The snowplow got stuck down the road and that rock head actually had the balls to come to the front door and ask for a shovel. I told him I'd broken four all ready this season trying to keep my driveway clear, and if he didn't get the he\# off my property I'd break a fifth one over his lard a&&! January 7 - Finally got out of the house. Needed supplies, level 2 toilet paper alert! On the way home from the store, six deer ran out in front of my car. Smucked three of the little ba@#$%tards. Over $5,000 damage. Those beasts ought to be killed. They're a menace. The hunters should have a longer season if you ask me. January 20 - It warmed up today. One of those January thaws the locals talk about. Started raining about noon. Turned to ice and then snow after supper and the weight of it broke the main limb of the oak tree in the front yard. Sent it through the roof. Scared the **** out of me. I should have cut the **** thing down after it dropped all its leaves and plugged my rain gutters. Now I have snow in my bedroom and closet. I need therapy. February 1 - My
  3. I get the question here, but it's..."Will you let them go to real school this year?" :ack2: :tongue_smilie: Gag...I've taken to giving them a death-stare and stone-cold silence. :sneaky2:
  4. :grouphug:Bethany:grouphug: You really are in a difficult spot. I don't want to add to your worries, but your mother sounds very much like my mil. My dh and his sister really didn't believe she would ever make the choices she did... because a wife wouldn't do that. Kwim? Do try to get someone other than you mother designated legally to make the medical decisions as soon as possible. (If you dad is able to express his wishes, the hospital can do the paperwork without involving your mother.) Informing her once its done rather than asking her, may be the easier option.
  5. I'm with your friend. When we moved in, I thought it would be a bonus, but like she said..:tongue_smilie:
  6. Oh, I'm so happy to hear your dad is recovering, and he is so blessed to have his daughters in his corner. I'm saddened by your mother's actions and attitude. My mil was the same way and sadly, (I believe) caused my fil to give up on his recovery. Please encourage yourself and sisters to stay strong for your dad. You may even consider consulting with the hospital to have himself or you and your sisters legally designated to make those medical decisions. Your mom doesn't sound like the best choice right now. (I totally get that this is devastating to a family, but it might be his best chance at recovery.) My dh and his sister both wish they had more say in the medical decisions. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I apologize for my post, but my experience with someone having full medical power over someone who was at his weakest has left me with a very heavy heart.
  7. I take Citrical Petite tablets daily along with my Women's One. They are both D3.
  8. I might let this one go, but my kid wouldn't work for her without a set amount in the future.
  9. I second the before and after school care. My neighbor did it and always had more families than she could accommodate.
  10. That makes it so much more interesting for me; my library has a copy of the book. :001_smile: btw...Thanks for mentioning the book.
  11. There is a book? I'll have to pop off and look for it.
  12. :grouphug: We'll be thinking of you and sending prayers your way.
  13. I always announced it was time to clean up and say goodbye.
  14. I've loved the book, Twelve Months of Monastery Soups. My library has a copy I checked out so many times...that I bought myself a copy.
  15. That sounds fantastic. It would be nice if more doctors could embrace his attitude.
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