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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug:Thanks for updating us. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  2. You know it is just so hard to know when to make these decisions, but it sounds like deep down in your heart you feel it's time to let her go. I truly think a loving owner knows better than anyone when that time comes. :grouphug:Big hug and prayers.:grouphug:
  3. I'm glad he is doing better, and sincerely hope you are able to find something to keep on hand...just in case there is a next time. Big hug to both of you. Eating (we all have to) and dealing with food allergies is a never ending nightmare.
  4. A plain old pre-paid visa card would allow them to pay for almost anything anywhere. Thanks for updating us.
  5. We feel the squeeze here more and more as time ticks by. Last year our electric went up by 9% the first quarter and 4% the last quarter. They have approved another 10% for next year. Our gas bill is up and I wonder what the rate change will be now that winter is here. Looks like we can enjoy frying in the summer and freezing in the winter. (My friend using heating oil and her bill is unbelievable.) Add on gas and groceries and we are scrambling to stretch our dollars as far as they can go. Out for me is most the ability to buy organic pretty much across the board. We went grocery shopping Saturday and got gas and that was about it after paying the bills. My pantry is no where near winter ready as it has been in last years. I buy what we need for the week and can't afford to stock up anymore.:crying:
  6. :bigear:;):bigear: Why didn't I think of this? I'm usually forced to act as if I can't hear what she says. You're a genius!
  7. Thank them, and feel free to donate or toss it. Things get lost sometimes...kwim?
  8. Sn:lol:rt! How about a squirt bottle with water and a bit of stinky vinegar.
  9. :lol:h my gosh! Ignore the mess; I would refuse to be drawn into their quest for the $$$. (:iagree: Many people show their donkey-butts trying to get $$$ after someone dies.) Your bil deserves some peace and any $$$, not your sister or niece. Niece may be sweet and generally caught in the middle, but I wouldn't feel comfortable taking advantage of bil to assist sister in a greedy grab for the money. And I'm really sorry for your loss and further hurt from family. :grouphug: It stinks.
  10. What a horrible way to treat a friend or anyone for that matter. I'm sorry.:grouphug:
  11. :grouphug:Mean-in-laws :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:. Too bad you can't smack them with a rolled up newspaper when they say something stupid. jk...
  12. Love it, love it. :grouphug:Continued prayers for you and your dad.:grouphug:
  13. :grouphug:Lizzie:grouphug: Prayers for you and your family.
  14. Talk with the counselor / therapist first and let him/her know about the diary when you set up the appointment. The counselor may have an idea of how to tell your dd that she is going to see her. :grouphug:
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