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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug:Strider:grouphug:...I"m sorry about your grandma. You're a blessing to her and your family. I'm so, so sorry. We had a similar exp. as Valerie last year with fil. Mil, was a demanding, wailing basket-case who felt her pain was above my poor fil. She had melt-downs that were so out of control and disruptive; the staff had to suggest and then insist she leave on a number of occasions. She had a power of attornery and demanded more pain meds and palliative drugs (morphine?) the removal of his iv and no bp or diabetes meds to end his life as soon as possible. She was planning his funeral while he was still awake, talking, eating and enjoying visits. The drive up there was 5 hours each way, and my dh put so many of miles on the car going up and back daily. Mil didn't want my kids or the other grandchildren to see him. Hospice thought he would last another week at least, and we were going up again the next morning with the kids...Unfortunately, he died alone while she was out to dinner with friends and family. When the hospital called, she didn't even want to go to the hospital to see her dh; her brother and sil insisted they were going. It still makes me sick to think about it. I wanted to send a a btdt with a family member and let you know that many, many people do not handle this well... Honestly, I'll never understand her behavior and actions when fil needed her most. I've never said anything to her or dh's family about it, but prayed and cried so many tears.
  2. I'd check the internet and phone book. Friends....A rec. from someone would be nice, but I'm not sure who I'd ask. We don't live in our hometowns, and many people we know are not the close ones I'd want knowing my business.
  3. I don't think Bayside has the ITBS...:confused: Where we purchase the ITBS, proof of a degree is req. Different states have different req. (some have none) too. Here we have to use specific tests (full battery) that are normed on specific dates. The Seton CAT does not meet our state req. The ITBS does give more detailed test results. (My students have used the CAT and ITBS.)
  4. It looks beautiful. You look younger and skinner too...way more girly:D.
  5. Check your refrigerator temp; our thermostat went out and we all had very mild flu symptons for weeks.
  6. I wouldn't worry about the house, other than knowing it was clean. (I'm a bit freaky about people going through my drawers, closets etc. but house hunters often do.) *I would be sure to secure any valuables.*
  7. Imo, it’s more conforming and acquiescing to peers and group think than anarchy.
  8. My first intro was via the book...It took me a few tries, but I'm pretty much a fan now. I was resistant to the shoe req, but I made it work even in my house shoes. The e-mails were a bit much for me, but the sit down and have a glass of water ones, were an ah-ha for me. Baby steps, and small bits of time cleaning here and there throughout the day/week/year add up to a much easier job. I was one of those power-cleaners who wanted to spend a few hours and clean the whole place top to bottom in one day...It was workable before kids, but a miserable failure with a family and big house. I esp. like the daily missions for a room from the site. One week of focused cleaning on a room keeps the place pretty organized. (I can almost always get the week done in two days with very little effort. The bag-boogies are what hooked me; I'm not a perfect fly-lady, but I love knowing if things get out of hand, I can get a handle on it without going crazy.:lol:
  9. She's old...and pretty much not your problem anymore...;) I'd send a nice card with a picture and feel good about it.
  10. :grouphug: :iagree: Your other son will wonder why he wasn't gifted with a spec. b-day, since it isn't his real b-day too:001_huh:. Mil's (for many of us) are hard, but I'd insist she treats both children equally.
  11. :grouphug: I'd still buy that alarm clock and let him shoulder more of the reponsibility.
  12. I feel like I'm cooking all day...every day. These people expect to eat three meals a day...every single day.:tongue_smilie: Joking aside, I cook dinner pretty much every night due to diet restrictions. Ds would have pizza 7 nights a week if he could. If we eat out, it's usually lunch.
  13. Weekly here... (I love clean sheets and would wash them more often if I didn't have to do it.:lol:) If we have guest, I change the guest bed the day they arrive and wash them the day they leave. Mil, doesn't change the guest bed(s) and it creeps me out, so I take fresh sheets & pillows with us. Dh's relatives are nice, but I freak out a bit knowing different people sleep on those almost never washed sheets....Should mention that we slept in the room for 3 days, and were leaving...Dh's aunt was flying in and sleeping in the room that night. I offered to wash the sheets and make up the room and mil...said they were fine. gag...
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