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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. We use Sam's here, it's local and purchasing our gas at Sam's is our biggest savings. I wouldn't drive more than 1/2 hours or so though.
  2. :grouphug:You may want to call your dr. back and speak with someone, because you may already be dehydrated.
  3. I hear you:bigear:. I've grown to avoid those hs group encounters locally.
  4. You may benefit from a core-curriculum that must be done first and daily. It doesn’t take much effort to get math and LA out of the way before dropping everything and heading out for an activity. That leaves you with the confidence that the basics were covered, and the flexibility to take and enjoy those outings.
  5. You should take the self defense course and be very careful around him; he sounds dangerous.
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm so sorry.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  7. You'll feel better, and soon I hope. I'm shocked how many people test low. My mom gets the vitB shots occasionally to boost her energy if she's fighting something. I just take the caps and I felt a difference pretty quickly. It wasn't instant, but it didn't take weeks.
  8. Both. We live in an extreem weather location. I need a land line to call the power company...
  9. :bigear: I'm reading this thread and planning a shopping trip to the farm store. I hope they'll have the food grade DE
  10. :001_huh: I'm another begin again with the battle. I've been enjoying the most lovely banana bread all week long and wondering why I was having a nightly headache / bloating:confused:. Strangely, I thought my diet was so good that I could handle it. Your post was a lightbulb moment for me, and prompted me to toss the rest of it. Thank you.;) Feeling good is worth going without the yummy treats for me.
  11. In our experience, it is just the way life is. I think this is a big reason so many kids around the age of 12ish start narrowing their activities, friends etc. They tend to to identify and hang out more in small groups; the days of play-dates or just putting kids together and them getting along well are left behind. Girls can seem or be mean, clicky, or just more into their own feelings than the ignored or excluded one. It doesn't mean anything about your dd other than she isn't one of their group. She sounds like a sweetheart, and these growing up lessons can be very hard on sensitive kids.
  12. Ds wanted an electic razor and it was his own thing in his own time. Imo, fwiw...I think it's a very personal thing, one that I wouldn't push either way. kwim?
  13. She sounds very wise for her years.;) My youngest is a master at debating...I may try it.
  14. I'm so glad they did the test(s). I know your dh is an RN; make sure he follows her care very closely. Fil had a stroke last year, they began treating it as a bad fall w/ a head injury.
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