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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Some of the cords, have a wall plug that pops onto the computer charger.
  2. I would treat the two things separately. Deal with the work/employee issue as you would any other employee.
  3. The Well Trained Mind... Get a copy from the library or purchase your own.
  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Poor pooch.
  5. Testing Options http://www.setontesting.com $25.00 http://www.bjupress.com/testing/ (Test results within 2 weeks e-mailed) http://www.brewertesting.com/ https://www.familylearning.org/tests_cat.php http://www.pesdirect.com/testingoptions.html http://www.Kolbe.org Comparison chart http://www.pesdirect.com/Homeschool-Achievement-Test-Providers.pdf
  6. I've had this conversation with a pushy, well intentioned friend. I just tell her, I'm happy for her/them, but not to worry about my marriage; We're happy, in love and we'll spend our time the way we want to;). If that hadn't worked, I would have moved onto the smile, laugh and say..."You're so funny."
  7. :iagree: It's crazy to keep is so cold inside, not to mention expensive!
  8. :iagree: And someone going through a 2nd party to voice their thinking is just looking for something to pick a fight over, but too chicken to actually discuss it:banghead:.
  9. You realtor hasn't sold it so far. kwim? I'd rather move into a home with a nice kitchen and baths than think of renovating one.
  10. :grouphug:Friend, I hope you find peace. I'd go for fading out, and skip any written or verbal declarations to poke that dragon. If cornered, I would just try for an attitude of too happy, busy with our own lives to care. (Like...Speak up, what...Oh, the phone battery is fading, gotta go.) And learn to avoid the calls; use caller id or toss the thing.
  11. I would ignore it, and set some boundaries asap. The bookBOUNDARIES, by Cloud & Townsend is at most libraries. It's an excellent read.;)
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