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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. No thank you...Toss them out. I would not mess with possible food poisoning, esp w/ a nursing infant.
  2. I wish there was a magic solution too. It's very hard realizing someone doesn't love, value, honor and care about you as much as you love, value, honor and care about them. Fil is gone and mil's true colors are showing. A mom should be loving...jm2cents.
  3. Khan academy for math is worth checking out...and it's free. http://www.khanacademy.org Don't focus on the negative, just do the work daily and move forward. Kids are able to make leaps and lags in learning and both are often par for the course.
  4. Wrong, wrong, wrong...The parent(s) should have been contacted if they suspected anything.
  5. :grouphug: That sounds so wrong...I wonder how that person would respond if you ask him to just the opposite of all those things? Honestly, it sounds like you are working very hard to manage the BP...Could he need some help with stress/depression? Many people try to change a loved one when they themselves need help or to change.:grouphug:
  6. :grouphug: I'm sorry...delete it and try to forget it.
  7. Pack the lunch at night, and make him shower then too. It might make for a better morning.
  8. :iagree: If you sew, they are very easy to make. Yard sales & 2nd hand are great places to build up a collection. Beans as a side dish stretch a meal; I'd serve them a lot. Pre-serve nutritious snacks to fill them up a bit ahead of the sit down meals. A glass of milk with something like trail mix or oatmeal or pb cookies can add some nutrition that is filling. Or be creative with desserts. They may not love the meal, but eat up to get to dessert.
  9. I would delet the e-mail and would not contribute under those circumstances.
  10. In person would be my first choice. I'd be more at ease supporting a mission trip than a personal vacation.
  11. :iagree: But, wish you all could attend. Take lots of pictures.:grouphug:
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