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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Thank you for posting this. It's always so difficult choosing what is needed and not with so many electronic devices.
  2. :iagree: With the other posts. :grouphug:You aren't doing anything wrong, just some of it a little too soon. Keep going with the math and science that he enjoys and read to him. You might even consider a different schedule with plenty of days and time off, just to play and explore his world. He sounds like a great kid; a normal 5 y/old boy imo.
  3. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm glad he has the offer and hoping the check goes well.
  4. :grouphug:Because, you are normal.:grouphug:
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Prayers.
  6. Oh, I hope it goes well for both of you.
  7. I was wondering about you...Congratulations!:party:
  8. Pasta with a veggie sauce, salad and garlic bread. Baked ziti with cottage cheese and parmesan is quick, easy and cheap.
  9. Contact them and send it back! They should arrange pickup and postage and send you a shinny new one.
  10. Switch detergent, use a rinse aid and run it empty with the vinegar.
  11. I don't have any advice, but (wow...you have 3 18y/ ds's) wanted to post a :grouphug:. I'll be reading the advice for the future...
  12. :grouphug:Jane...I hope you find peace in your decision either way. Neither choice will be perfect; both will have + & - . Reading your original post, it sounds like you are running 3 separate schools in your home. If keeping them home is your choice, try working towards a multi age model and mindset. Working with little ones in the home is always a challenge.:grouphug:
  13. :grouphug:This sounds like a good resolution to a difficult ordeal.
  14. Sheesh...they'll use alarm clock, if & when they need to. Lots of people function just fine and get up when necessary; I'll bet your niece and nephew wouldn't be up at 6:30 if they have to. My nephew goes to ps and will sleep like the dead well past noon any day he can. Your mil is a dingbat, not every class or job start at 8am:tongue_smilie:.
  15. Many programs start out with quick and easy lessons that build in rigor and length. If you're worried peek ahead to to the middle of the book.
  16. Poor puppy poor puppy I hope his tests come back with good news.:grouphug:
  17. I agree with the ladies; you'll find yourself running out of time because there's so much to do. Just going to a café and wandering the streets is an adventure. Enjoy your trip!
  18. I was wondering about him to; he was such a marvelous resource.
  19. I grew up sprinkling it with sugar. I eat them plain now, but not often.
  20. :iagree: It gets worse as they get older. Milk with food helps if they can tollerate it. Mine ds can't, so we use yogurt/shakes instead. Trail mix nuts yogurt pb & oatmeal cookies fruit shakes tortilla chips & salsa hummas beans :001_huh: I know, I know.
  21. The Well Trained Mind is pretty helpful and has a section... How to Outline, it begins on page 297 of the 2009 edition.
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