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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Get the bangs, and check with the stylist for the best bangs for you. There are so many options. The side sweeping/blending ones work pretty well with glasses. I think bangs look better on most faces, but lots of women hate dealing with them. At my age, they're worth the fuss.;) If you get a cut, post more pic's...bangs or no bangs.
  2. Oh my, I missed the big post! Congratulations! It sounds wonderful...
  3. He sounds like a nut case. I'm always cautious (read avoid like the plague) opening up a conversation with a nut case.
  4. She set you up and put you in an awful situation. :grouphug: Her personal attack was just mean and hateful. She sounds dreadful.
  5. :grouphug:Prayers for healing.:grouphug:
  6. She would have been better off skipping class:confused:. I can see getting an F for the day, but that grade weighting system is crazy.
  7. High-five on cutting the grocery bills! Hand in there. You might try store brands to strain your yogurt and look for deals and coupons. I cut our use of them by not allowing the roll into my kitchen. I tore them off the roll and placed them in the dish-rag drawer; then stored the rest in the basement. Later, I caved and went back to the roll and now we are burning through them again. I need to give them up again.
  8. Oh, Brindee...I hope they both find jobs soon. Finding a job is getting harder and harder, esp for young men and women entering the work force. :grouphug: My dd, wants to find a job as this school year ends, and I fear it will be an impossible task.
  9. :grouphug::grouphug: Update us...:bigear:
  10. :iagree: Veggie lasagna, fresh baked bread, and a pie, muffins or cake are my stand-by. I often send a veggie/cheese tray along.
  11. :grouphug: I bundle up and pray for spring. Get some humidity in the house to combat the zapping; boiling water on the stove helps. Turn up the heat...:grouphug:
  12. My mom had it; her dr. gave penicillin and B12 shots to battle the worst of it. She tried not to let any thing settle in now, by treating it early on. kwim? I hope you feel better soon.
  13. Dh’s sister has a dairy farm and they drink it. I tried it, and it tore my stomach up. (Sorry, tmi.)
  14. I'll be your cheerleader:hurray:, but have nothing helpful to offer.
  15. We have had more than a few parents comment to us that they felt they were homeschooling their children, and wonder what they did all day at the public school.
  16. Our dog was a runner, and we bailed her out of doggy jail. Call your local animal control for help.
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