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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Oh, my...I was afraid to open this thread. I've given up sweets, but I could rethink my position for a Butterfinger.
  2. Oh, what a wonderful update. I'll be praying for complete healing.:grouphug:
  3. I'm sorry you were singled out, but they don't have to stay in; they can just play in your back yard. Some toddlers require more attention than others; your new higher locks sound like an excellent idea. A small child was hit and killed near us recently; it was just heartbreaking.
  4. :iagree:And I don't know anyone who believes anyone is perfect...everybody is human.
  5. I have the new edition ordered, and we used the first edtion, but it's too early to compare.
  6. I'm just trying to remember what 60' weather feels like.:001_huh: We have days here when we're lucky to hit positive temperatures; I might keep a little one in then.
  7. Call animal control and get their rec; a call to the non-emergency police might be a good idea too.
  8. A hot bath or shower then drinking very warm water while trying to go may help things along. Poor kid.:grouphug:
  9. :grouphug:I hope your ds if feeling better soon, and the medical stuff turns out to be minor. I would want more info on the dog too.:confused:
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  11. Wow, congratulations on the new grand-baby.:grouphug:
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