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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :iagree: Six is pretty young, and she has lots of time to learn the habit of lessons. I never just called my little ones to lessons; I'd call them, but walked to them and led them to the table. (That was rec. in a CM book to avoid selective hearing and develop the right habit.) They matured into pretty responsible young people and know mom will simply find you and bring you to work if you aren't on time.
  2. Another vote to move the computer to a common area, limit access and use some sort of parental computer-control software...and make your rules known. I'd also want to know what he'd been viewing and plan a punishment talk to deal with it. Discussing things with mom and dad can often be a big deterrent for the next temptation.
  3. (((Jessica))) I'm so sorry for your loss. (You know your kid best, follow your instincts and heart; some kids can handle everything and some kids very little.) You little guy will have questions, that will need to be answered in an age appropriate way. Listen to the questions; they often aren't stressed or worried over the things adults are. It's a fine line not to over load them with more information than they can process at such a young age.:grouphug:
  4. http://www.allergyeats.com This web site might help.
  5. :grouphug:I don't really have more to add other than seconding Saxon, if that's what the school will be using, and taking care of yourself. Do the lessons consistently, and don't let perfection derail you.
  6. I would make breakfast and call them to eat. My sister is hypoglycemic, and needs eat or will go down hill fast.
  7. :grouphug:Renee:grouphug: If HR isn't helping, would a call to an attorney help?
  8. Due update us. Has she spoken with a medical doctor yet? That would be a really good place to begin. She would be able to give the details, symptoms etc. and maybe the directional advice she's looking for.
  9. I always wonder about this:confused:, and what will we know in twenty years?
  10. Space is an issue for you too, right? Try laundry bags hanging behind their doors to have dirty items easy to gather. (These can be purchased or made very inexpensively.) Honestly, I would want everyone in clean clothes with the least amount of fuss. That will vary from family to family. Discuss this with your kids and find what works best all around. We have bedroom hampers or containers, as well as bathroom hampers. I'd rather go gathering from container to the next vs. finding dirty clothes everywhere. Make it easy for yourself and them...kwim;)
  11. You might try getting the water out by hand. Boiling water can often help clear it. :grouphug:
  12. How can that be? I mean if he's angry enough not to be coming home for days or months; I'd certainly be concerned with his actions. Smart women are victims in many marriages:grouphug:.
  13. Selective amnesia, still able to continue on with his career and the rest of his life?... I wouldn't buy it. Now, if I wanted to, I'd insist on testing go to the doctor with him and keep a private investigator looking into a possible double life, and an attorney. The attorney, dr. and pi would enable her to better act in the future to protect her family. A double life or extreme disregard for his wife and family, that makes sense. His actions and behavior just don't make sense or sound like amnesia. She really needs to look into preparing for another blow-up and walk out. She sure has a lot on her plate.:grouphug:
  14. :thumbup1: :drool: I love shopping their super-sales...My library carries a few courses, but they are always checked out.
  15. :grouphug: Hugs to you and your dd. I once had a child in my class for months who never uttered a word...period. One weekend in Safeway, I heard a child singing one of our songs aloud to her mom; I was so surprised and delighted to see it was him.
  16. Smells often did me in, I kept a baggie with orange wedges with me to smell and eat.
  17. :iagree: I have a hard time thinking of a shy child as rude.
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