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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. Maybe they hope that if they say it enough people will believe it. :glare:
  2. :iagree:Could you post the words with the pronunciation please?
  3. Thank you very much! I have been unable to try nutella due to a chocolate allergy. I can substitute carob for the dark chocolate and try it.
  4. Unfortunately he may be even more in need of a drink when he gets home than you are.
  5. I am getting some good ideas for future reading here.
  6. If the teeth had been broken I would be inclined to say don't worry since they have to wear their teeth down regularly. However, it sounds more like loose teeth so I would probably withhold food for the night and recheck in the morning. If the teeth are still loose in the morning I would definitely check with a vet.
  7. My chickens are free-range and I am reasonably certain that they would not cooperate with being diapered. In fact if I tried I would probably never catch them again. :tongue_smilie:
  8. :ack2::ack2::ack2: If there were a vomiting smilie I would be using that. There are probably people who live near me who will enjoy the show and get ideas from it though.
  9. Once a month mom has a vegetarian menu every month. Here is the page for this month: http://onceamonthmom.com/vegetarian-august-2012-menu/ I have found some great recipes on this site and I check it every month now. I have not ever actually made the whole month's recipes yet.
  10. :iagree:I also think that attempting to force people to vaccinate just make them more suspicious of the safety of the vaccines.
  11. We have a crib mattress in the master bedroom from when we were transitioning dd into her own room. As soon as dd moved into her own room and bed our dogs claimed it.
  12. I use both depending on the amount of rain we are getting.:tongue_smilie:The month that our dryer was out of comission for about 2 weeks our electric bill was about $20 lower than normal. This is for a family of three but I was avoiding using the washer at home during that time too.
  13. :iagree:This is my experience of the SCA as well. I can't really comment about Pennsic because I have never been to that event. I do go to another large event every year and it is much like other events only more of everything.
  14. If you don't want to eliminate foods have you considered a two or three day rotation diet? That is what my mother does and because of the food allergies in our family I try to avoid letting dd have peanuts every day just as a preventative measure.
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