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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. At least your internet isn't down too. I hope you find another daycare child and you phone is fixed soon. :grouphug:
  2. Dd7 has been reading silently for a good while, probably at least a year.
  3. If the milk is ultra-pasturized it may not work right in yogurt making.
  4. Unfortunately I do live in a state that is consistently one of the lowest ranking - Mississippi. That is one of the major reasons I chose to homeschool.
  5. :lurk5: I want to know the name of this site also. It sounds like something that would work well for dd.
  6. What was really wonderful in college was when people in the dorms left their alarm clocks on, locked thier door and left for the weekend. Then their alarm went off while everyone else on the hall tried to sleep in on the weekend.
  7. If they don't go to bed in the right spot it is really easy to pick them up and move them once they settle in for the night. I would guess that your other chicken is a Golden-Laced Wyandotte. The way the black is on the border of each feather is something that I haven't noticed in other breeds besides the Wyandotte. But I could be wrong.
  8. The desserts in Nourishing Traditions tend to be much less sweet than most recipes. I like them, my dd not so much.
  9. I have heard women say this too and I find it incredibly creepy.
  10. It doesn't sound safe to me either but I don't know for sure. You could make something similiar to the sleep sacks that are sold for infants and remove the blankeet and top sheet from her bed. My mother made similiar items for me when I was little after I tangled myself up in a blanket(early '70s long before the sleep sack was marketed).
  11. I took allergy shots throughout my childhood and adolescence. One thing to check, the doctor I went to as a child had both pediatric and adult crash carts in his office and an ambulance on speed dial. I was a very reative patient and I never needed those things but I think that it was good that they were there just in case. If your child is very reactive, you might want to ask about emergency plans. You definitely do not want to find out that they are not prepared for a serious emergency during one.
  12. I had a wall that was mostly full of bookcases at our old house. I loved it. I want to set up a room with all the walls full of book cases but I haven't been able to yet.
  13. :iagree:I think a sociology degree is more prep for graduate school than anything else.
  14. Is there any way that MIL and her friend can not get the home phone number when you move? Does Wolf have a cell # you can give to MIL?
  15. I have not listened to most of these songs. I will have to come back later and do so because I like other Weird Al songs that I am familiar with. I remember "Eat It".
  16. :iagree:I like this idea alot. Of course I also deliberately put our 100 lb. jumpy dog on the front porch to keep my MIL from finding an excuse to come into our house. (She likes to try to inspect it so I simply do. not. allow. her inside.)
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