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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. The mention of grits made me think of other southern/cajun dishes that would either be gluten free or probably easy to alter such as red beans and rice, cornbread, Jumbalaya, ect. Gumbo might even be possible if you made your own rue using gluten free flour.
  2. :lurk5:I have not been to any conventions but might be interested in some of these products if they are any good.
  3. It almost sounds to me like the instructor is basically wanting to use your dd to train difficult horses. That is not something a relatively inexperienced rider should be attempting. I would probably be at the very least a little testy that my dd had been put in such a risky situation.
  4. I do not have one but I would imagine that alot would depend on the personalities of the children. For instance, I would be very reluctant to get one for my dd7 because I know she is a risk taker and would probably injure herself on it.
  5. I purchased a Nook from an acquaintance who wanted to upgrade to the new Nook tablet. I have been very happy with my new Nook.
  6. Thanks for the information, I have always wondered if an allergic reaction to tattoos was possible and that is one major reason that I have never considered a tattoo.
  7. I think initiating a phone conversation with someone you don't know well is difficult for many people. It might help him to know that it is not unusual.
  8. I don't really have any new suggestions but :lurk5:because that sounds exactly like my dd7.
  9. I know vocational rehabilitation provides a large range of help for disabled college students. I would address his disabilities first and foremost.
  10. If she is interested in the subject, I went back to school later while working and earned another degree in Computer Networking. I was able to find a new job with better pay and a better working enviornment while working on the degree.
  11. I have had good luck using a small kiddie wading pool to contain dachshund puppies that age but even then there are occasional escapes. It also helps a great deal with mess containment since the bottom is water proof.
  12. I would probably just try to make him as comfortable as possible.
  13. My dh has two middle names, he generally just uses the first one on paperwork.
  14. Mac and cheese could also have vegetables and even meat added if it is cut up really small. Smoothies as long as he does not use a straw to drink them. Baked sweet potatoes with the skin removed before serving.
  15. My dd7 craved sugar uncontrollably until she had to have two jaw teeth pulled and a spacer put in. I don't know if there are any you tube videos of dental work going on or anything like that that you could show them.
  16. Swimming and other water exercises would probably be good as long as you don't go overboard with the intensity.
  17. :iagree:When I hear about things like this, I view it as yet another reason that I homeschool.
  18. I would like to mention the Belgian Malnois as an option. They are very similiar to German Shepards but with shorter hair and they have not been bred for sloping backends. Ours is highly intelligent and anyone in our family can do anything with her.
  19. Since part of the problem is your dh's opposition to homebirth, I would make him come up with a solution other than MIL. His stubborness, his stress. If he cannot come up with a solution that you are completely comfortable with then he can just adjust to the idea of a homebirth.
  20. Is the family the same one in this thread? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=328906 I know you spoke with Sylvan, my dd7 goes to Kumon and I have seen a few high school age kids working on work that she has completed so remedial work would definitely be an option there as well. Is it possible that the mother is severely burned out and/or depressed? The reason I ask this is that if that is the case it will be difficult to truly help the children without addressing that issue.
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