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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. :grouphug: Have you tried calling the police and/or hospitals? If you are concerned about an accident and they have not handled any in the correct areas that would make it more likely it was just car trouble.
  2. Thank you everyone for the response. I was surprised and felt that the chicks were a very inappropriate "prize" but I was not as sure of my position IYKWIM until I read all of these responses. Our chick is with my other 4 for the night. She (I really, really hope it is a she)has not been bullied by the bigger older chicks but they are ignoring her. Dd and I have been carrying her around alot to keep her from being lonely so she may become a pet(all my chickens are tame but this one may be more of a pet than the others). I will probably be trying to determine what breed she is tomorrow.
  3. My mother told me that dyed chicks were given away by shoe stores when she was a child. Parents would buy new shoes for their children's Easter outfits and be given a free chick. However, I was rather surprised to a similiar practice still occuring today.
  4. I currently have four other chicks but they are several weeks older and when I brought one in it ignored the new chick which is at least better than attacking it. I tried to go to the feed store after I left the festival with the chick but it was closed by the time I arrived. Unfortunately the feed store will not reopen until Monday.
  5. My church had a spring festival today. We arrived late and as I was walking in I heard what sounded like baby chicks cheeping. As we were walking around I noticed a baby chick in a insect carrier on a table at a vendor. I looked at it more closely and the vendor explained that her dd had won it as a prize earlier. She (the mother) did not want to keep the chick because their cats would almost certainly kill it sooner or later. Since I already had some chicks at home I reluctantly agreed to take it so now I have another chick that I will have to carefully integrate with the ones I already have. Now for the vent, why would someone think that it is a good idea to give baby animals as prizes at a 6 hour long festival during the heat of the day? for children? I will acknowledge that I do live in a rural area but most people do not have chickens and would not know how to care for a chick. Also by the time the festival is over the local feed stores will be closed. I feel sorry for the chicks that will probably die and the children who will be upset when their chick dies.:crying: I am venting here in part so I don't say something very undiplomatic tomorrow.
  6. I don't know much about the current ones but one feature that mine had when I was in high school/college was solar power and that was nice. There might be more opinions over on the high school board. The only thing I would regard as essential are the trig functions.
  7. When I was a child my mother taught in a public school and I attended a private school. My school year ended earlier than hers so I went to school with her and attended another class on my grade level for the last few weeks of her school year. I had been studying American History that year and the public school had studied state history. I was present for the end of the year review and took the state history end of year test with the class I was attending. I don't remember my exact score but I do remeber it was an A and was one of the higher scores in the class. I don't necessarily think the history covered in the public school is very in depth compared to SOTW or many other HS curriculums. You could probably hit the high points in a week or less.
  8. :iagree:However, I will probably place strict limits on social media usage and might not allow it until dd(I don't have a son at this point but if I do in the future the same will apply to him) is old enough to understand potential consequences.
  9. :iagree:Doctors and hospitals have done similiar things in the past especially in an attempt to "punish" parents who homebirth or were planning to do so. Unfortunately I do not know of any organization that is the homebirth equivalent of hslda protecting the rights of these parents.
  10. My dd hit a front tooth on the edge of a table when she was about 2. I ook her to the urgent care and they sent us for an xray which she found traumatic. She decided that if she let adults look into her mouth bad things might happen and would not cooperate at all for dental checkups. She is now seven and finally decided to let the dentist look in her mouth after a jaw tooth started hurting. Two jaw teeth had to be pulled and she now has a spacer. All that to say that I wish I had just stayed home and let the loose tooth float back to its normal location a few days later(that is exactly what happened).
  11. I am not a member of hslda, I use Homeschool Legal Advantage. They are both less expensive and their application form is much less invasive.
  12. Was Tamiflu used to treat the swine flu? I know I have read that it can cause things like nightmares and/or hallucinations in some people. That would be a short term neurological symptom, right?
  13. My dh would do this. He might eat some RAW pasta with it if it was easy to find. He would prefer cooked pasta but would not even think to look farther in the refrigerator for it.:lol:
  14. I had severe food intolerances/allergies as a child and if I missed a desensitisation shot on Friday night I would be throwing up by Sunday afternoon.
  15. I would monitor the situation closely. My inclination would be to let them work it out on their own as long as the cat is not hurting the puppy or vice versa.
  16. Thanks for letting me know but I already purchased the cards from another source.

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