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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. My father's adult height was 6'4" believe it or not he was one of the shortest men in his family. He was light enough to exercise racehorses after he hit his adolescent growth spurt and was over 6'. As a young adult he wore pants with a 32" waist (I don't know how he managed to find them). He eventually gained some weight with age but even after "retirement" (he never really did slow down very much) he wore a 38" waist. He might have been one of the shortest men in his family but he is also one of the only ones that did not die from a heart attack. He died when he was in a head on collision with a car while riding a motorcycle.
  2. My dd7's favorite so far is P.E. She has also enjoyed recorder and folk dancing.
  3. What would you do if there was not a naturopathic doctor in your area?
  4. When I was a child and our dog had this problem it turned out to be kidney stones.
  5. Is there a support group for parents and children with severe allergies in your area? It sounds like something like that would be very helpful for you as you learn more about managing your child's allergies and to allow a social outlet for children like yours.
  6. :iagree:It can be useful to know the latest ideas on how to prevent allergies though. I have multiple allergies and sensitivities dating from since I was an infant. I knew my dc would be more likely to develop allergies. Therefore I researched allergy prevention during my pregnancy and implemented many of the things I learned. Thankfully, my dd7 does not have major allergy problems but I do not know whether that is from any action of mine or if she just inherited her father's immune system.
  7. :iagree:My dd would have had and has had similiar consequences except I take away all sweets as well.
  8. I have not personally researched whether wearing a bicycle helmet is safer or not but I would be very surprised if any of the studies that may cast doubt on their safety involved children. I am personally somewhat of a libertarian so while I wear a helmet I do not believe adults should necessarily be required to by law. However, children that are still growing are more vulnerable to trauma. That is why young children use carseats and boosters and ride in the backseat of cars. I absolutely require that my dd wear her bicycle helmet and I would not be nearly as opposed to a law to that effect.
  9. :iagree:I might have asked him if he was stalking me when he said it just to point out how weird it is that he noticed. I might have done it loudly too.
  10. I found a recipe for tofu ricotta that calls for it. Other than that :lurk5:. I will advise that you keep it out of reach of any dogs. Ours have stolen two bags that I brought home.:001_huh:
  11. We believe that our largest dog is a bloodhound/golden retriever mix. She was a stray that was wandering near one of dh's coworker's house.
  12. :iagree:Three families in dh's extended family stayed together after Katrina and we were the only family that brought a significant amount in emergency cash with us.
  13. I remember a sewing book my mom had when I was a kid had instructions for foam furniture so I don't see how it would be that different. I would probably use denim or canvas that was washable and probably cheaper than vinyl too.
  14. I don't know anything about the syste in Canada but is there any way you can contact a social worker to do a welfare check. That way you get the objective information you want but she doesn't necessarily get what she wants. If she truly needs help the social worker can discuss her options with her. Also if her cognitive function declines she on the radar so to speak. That can be trickier to detect than normal in those who already have Issues.
  15. I don't think that the food problems would have started that suddenly. Our two are major counter surfers and will get in the trash can too. How is your dog doing today? Have you had her checked out by a vet?
  16. I think that there is a broader market for the hair items(women and girls with long hair) than the baby items and less upfront expense is always a plus.
  17. This sounds wonderful! I cannot eat chocolate anymore and I used to love butterfingers. I will probably use carob.
  18. Could it possibly be implantation bleeding? If it is congratulations.
  19. Sometimes dogs are given painkillers after spaying. If it were just urination the first thing that I would think of is kidney stones. You said that when you got your dog back she had lost weight. Our two dogs that have gone hungry(before I got them) are prone to more pigging out if they are worried about their food being restricted and panic if the food bowl is empty.
  20. This is the plan we used for our chicken tractor before we started letting them free range during the day. The most expensive part was the doghouse. http://www.motherearthnews.com/Do-It-Yourself/2007-04-01/Portable-Chicken-Mini-coop-Plan.aspx
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