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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. Instead of cutting the cabinets, have you considered just remounting them higher on the wall? You could either move all the top cabinets up or add some sort of trim or molding on top of the ones you don't move to keep it from looking funny.
  2. Have you considered Time4learning? My dd7 can do it independently.
  3. Mushroom casserole and asparagus. Here is a link for the mushroom casserole: http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/mushroom-casserole-recipe.html Its not vegan and I substitute yogurt for the sour cream.
  4. :iagree:Also be prepared to break the amnotic sac on the first puppy AFTER it is born if the mama dog does not do so.
  5. I think that there is some information about down's syndrome babies in the Sears' Baby Book but I do not remember how in depth it is. I do know that one of their children has Down's.
  6. I would try using nasalcrome or something similiar before I went, but in my case it would almost definitely be inhalent allgeries. Just a note, It does not have to be health hazard or something that anyone else would even notice if you are allergic to a smell it will cause you problems.
  7. If he learns well from audio sources you could order or download multiplication tables set to music. I did this for dd7 and it helped her a great deal. VP offers them set to both classical and more modern music. That way he can work on learning facts without you while you are helping a sibling.
  8. I love fantasy and I see Mercedes Lackey has already been mentioned. I also enjoy Katherin Kurtz but some of hers can be a little heavy.
  9. My mother started feeding a three legged turtle that came to her house and he had definite preferences about which fruits and vegetables he would eat. Dh brought another one home from the middle of the road and it became obvious that it would be miserable in captivity so we released it near the wooded area of our property(about 15 acres).
  10. When I was a child our 10-12 lb. dachshund got into some Christmas stuff and helped himself to a solid chocolate kiss that was about 4-5 inches tall and suffered no ill effects. We were not aware that he had found the Christmas stuff right away so he did not take a trip to the vet.
  11. My dd did not know typical playground games when she was 5. Now at 7 she does because she has been taking a PE class at coop.
  12. For an immediate solution to find shorts I would check goodwill. Since this seems to be an ongoing issue, I would look into finding an inexpensive sewing machine if you don't already own one. When money isn't so tight you could find one at a goodwill or a pawn shop or craigslist for a reasonable price and let your dd learn how to make her own clothes. Then I would give her a set amount of money for cloth or clothing and let her handle the problem herself. She will have to when she becomes an adult anyway and having to handle it herself might resolve alot of the pickiness.
  13. :iagree:Sometimes the pages even time out before they come up.
  14. :iagree:If I were to leave our dogs at a boarding kennel it would have to be with someone who knew how to massage one of our dog's bladder to help him in that regard so that would be a useful skill as well.
  15. I have asthma and multiple inhalent allergies and I was not bothered by anything when I went to Medieval Times. There is not much activity involved either, more like a dinner theater than, say, a theme park.
  16. Have you seen this site: http://onceamonthmom.com/menus/vegetarian/ The menus are vegetarian rather than vegan but most if not all of the recipes can be tweaked to make them vegan. Many of the recipes have notes at the bottom on how to change them to vegan. If you try nothing else off the site the lentil and brown rice hamburger substitute is a major money saver.
  17. :iagree::iagree::iagree:In the meantime, I would be having gorgeous built in bookcases installed in my house in every room.
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