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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. One point that I have not noticed mentioned yet about HSLDA was my primary reason for selecting another organization(Homeschool Legal Advantage). I found their application to be way too complicated and invasive. I do not like providing too much information unless and until it is needed. If the information is "out there" it is out of your control and if the organization that has it has inadequate security measures there is no telling where it can end up(but I tend to err on the side of mild paronoia due to some information security classes I have taken).
  2. Sometimes it just takes time in the enviornment the dog needs. We have had two anxious dogs at different times. The first was afraid of dh and it took about 6 months of living in the house with him to get used to him. The second dog needed a very low stimulation enviornment. We don't have guests very often and you cannot see the street from our house. That was exactly what this dog needed.
  3. I have a strong-willed dramatic dd7. When she was younger she was more difficult and prone to the power play type behavior of your dd. Part of the problem with my dd is that she is very intelligent so time-outs and/or spankings did not work because they were so short term that it was "worth it" to continue her behavior (I could see her thinking it over and some of her behaviors were dangerous). I would wait until your dd stops tantruming and impose a serious consequence. In the case of my dd I take away all screen time and sweets for a week at a time. Neither screen time nor sweets benefit her in any way but she LIKES them.
  4. My dd7 does Kumon work as part of her homeschooling so she is used to being timed. If she starts major dawdling with anything else including other schoolwork and eating I put her "on the clock".
  5. The dietary advice so far is accurate in my experience. In addition to the other dietary changes recommended I eliminated caffine from my diet (including chocolate). I never went on a completely vegan diet but my only animal protein was from fish and other seafood.
  6. I wonder also if many of the "relationships"or "behaviors" of that time would even qualify as consensual by today's standards (the consensual aspect is why I put apostrophes in place). I think that the vast majority of people would use different, stronger language for coercion now but if most of a specific type of interaction in the past involved at least some degree of coercion maybe a more general term would have been used.
  7. In the case of horse training there could be a practical aspect to it as well. Some horses are much more cooperative for females than males. Sometimes these horses are also more cooperative for gay males. I have known a horse that was like this. Don't ask me how the horse "knew" but this horse could tell.
  8. They can also simply change. The child who has sinus symptoms from pollen allergy can grow into the adult who gets migranes from something totally different. I had numerous serious allergies as a child and still have many allergies as an adult. I do tend to have different symptoms now. I had to be retested several times during puberty and I expect that I will have some problems during menopause (in addition to the normal challenges of that transition).
  9. This is what frightens me most about a single-payer system. I have been without insurance and I sprained my ankle very badly while uninsured. I did not choose to go to the doctor and probably would not have even if I had had insurance(obviously this is probably not the sort of care that would be required). I recently acquired insurance and have not been to the doctor and will probably not go unless I absolutely have to. I have not been to a doctor's office in at least 7 years. There are certain tests that I will not consent to and I have never had a flu shot and have no intention of starting to take one annually either now or in the future.
  10. This is one of the major reasons that I am not sending my dd to a prestigious private school in a nearby city. ETA - It is not a great school district for your child if it is not a good fit for your child.
  11. I would be job-hunting but until I found a new job all business related communication with J would be via email or some other documentable method that he could not deny. I would also cc the emails to anyone else who had a valid need to know the information rather than depending on J to pass it on. I think J probably needs to go to the doctor and at the very least have liver function tested.
  12. And what about when most of the laundry is done and put up and you tell your child to get dressed and they claim they have nothing to wear.:toetap05::glare:
  13. None of the interior doors in our house have locks. I deliberately did not purchase locking doorknobs for our interior doors when we built our house. My reason was that I had an incident with my then preschooler fresh in my mind. She had locked the bathroom door as she left the bathroom and we had no way to reopen the door. I was very thankful she was outside the bathroom rather than inside (she would have gotten upset and might not have been able to unlock the door once she was upset).
  14. I am starting CC with my dd7 this year too. I have been playing the disc with the memory song in the car. Dd7 claimed the tin whistle as soon as it came in and is already working on learning to play the songs in the book. (She already knows how to play the recorder.)
  15. Another book to consider is: http://www.amazon.com/Having-Twins-And-More-Pregnancy/dp/B003R4ZI30/ref=pd_sim_b_28#_ Congratulations!:party:
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