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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. My dd7 is like this as well. I will definitely try some of the ideas mentioned here.
  2. When I was in college my father was given a dog that was miserable and had completely demolished a suburban backyard. He lived on the beach and would take the dog for long walks and she could run and swim to her heart's content. I am sure that if she could talk she would have said that she was glad she was rehomed to the beach.
  3. That sounds really interesting. I will definitely check it out.
  4. :iagree:My dd7 probably could(as far as reading level) read the book but I will not let her and I definitely will not let her watch the movie. I think dh thought about watching the movie as a family and I gave him a heads up about how violent and disturbing the book is. It would bother both him and dd.
  5. I voted yes but dh was not onboard with the idea until he started seeing the results. Now he is very much in favor of homeschooling.
  6. When my dd was younger I had the same problem. I pointed out to her that her dog could not go to school with her and never heard anything about it again.
  7. I would try without the other puppy first. Could she be being protective of him?
  8. Chickens might take care of spiders for you and they have the side benefit of free eggs. In the case of snakes they would probably alert you if one was nearby. The only downside is even if you only have hens the dominant one may decide she needs to crow. Ask me how I know this.
  9. Was he on medication before the heart attack? Could some of the symptoms be side effects of the medications? I would research that first if that has not been looked into.
  10. I think you can get small sample cans of paint to use on a sample board and test out what the color will look like. One thing that I have to know: How exactly do you snake-proof a yard?
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