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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. If your allergies are to pollen, local honey can be helpful. Just make sure you eat some every day.
  2. Is it posssible that they are simply introverted? I have a facebook account that I have not checked in a very long time and the thought of getting together with someone that I don't know well is somewhat stressful. Once I am actually at a function I doubt most people would realize how stressful it was to actually decide to go.
  3. We really need a like button. This sums up perfectly why I will never trust a doctor especially an ob again.
  4. Our little dogs sleep in the bed with us and our big dogs sleep on the floor in the room with us. :lol:
  5. I broke a little toe one time and was able to return to work at a standing/walking intesive job the next day.
  6. :iagree: If it makes you feel any better, after my parents divorced my father bought me a gerbil to keep at his apartment for when I visited. Its s3x mysteriously changed at one point. Fortunately for dad I was young enough to buy the we must have been wrong when we tried to determine whether it was male or female the first time.
  7. Have you considered planting a fast growing vine of some sort to cover the fence? I personally like honeysuckle. Ivy will cover something pretty thoroughly also.
  8. I do not have any experience as a parent but my mother had a bike seat for me as a child that mounted in front and from what I remember looked similiar to the iBert. It worked great. Mom carried me around our neighborhood alot on it when I was little.
  9. :iagree:I would probably have contacted a lawyer also just to ensure that my and my child's rights were protected.
  10. Have you tried feeding the dogs garlic? I am sorry you face long term treatment but it is good that you finally have a diagnosis.
  11. :iagree:The only thing that could possibly, slightly excuse his behavior is if he is just as "cognitively impaired" as the girls.
  12. I had a boss that had worked on a cruise ship casino when she was younger. She seemed to have happy memories of that period of her life.
  13. Is there any way you could compromise by organizing and decluttering to make it much easier to pack? Then even if you do not move you have a more organized house.
  14. It may be a regional difference here in the US. I have been to three separate colleges here in the south in two states. All three colleges required you to meet with your advisor every term.
  15. Nancy's notions has DVDs of the Sewing with Nancy TV program. I do not know how helpful the show is because I learn best from books.
  16. There was a thread a while back full of everyone's favorite lentil recipes. Here is a link: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=337401 The honey-baked lentils are especially good.
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