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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. If you do end up having to send dsds for visitation, I would definitely send a cell phone that she is unaware of along. How old are the dsds? Are they the 8 and 9 year olds in your signature? What are their feelings about visitation with bio mom?
  2. :grouphug: I graduated high school with AP scores that translated into college credit. I have a B. A. in history and guess what? I have learned things in the Story of the World books for grades 1-4 that I had not known previously. I had excellent grades and test scores in English but only minimal exposure to diagramming so I get to learn that now. I want to teach my dd Latin and I will have to learn it myself first. You are definitely not alone and I don't think previous success in school is as much of an asset as most would imagine.
  3. We recently purchased a school desk for dd7 and it is located in her room. We have been doing her schoolwork in her room. However, she is an only child so we don't have the issue of multiple children and she refuses to spend the night in her room.
  4. That is why we don't have a cat. I like cats just fine but sooner or later they manage to get out and then they disappear. I have seen hawks here and that is probably what happens to them. We have lost two chickens to them but the other two seem to be smart enough to stay out of sight.
  5. I remember the one time that I did not dress out for P.E.was because my gym clothes had been stolen out of my locker. The teacher didn't believe me. What if your dd's shoes had been stolen or destroyed somehow? What if that happens to some other student?
  6. I remember when I went to get our last cat they had several at Petsmart that were already declawed. I noticed it because I did not want a declawed cat. We live in a rural area with predators and if the cat managed to get out I wanted it to have half a chance to survive until it decided to come back in or I managed to catch it.
  7. The ones(yes plural) I encountered were at best useless and at worst harmful and offensive. I have PTSD symptoms from my hospital birth.
  8. :iagree:I am not a particular fan of the Kennedys but I would be inclined to side with just about anyone against L&D/Maternity nurses.
  9. I have found dietary changes to be helpful. I had to eliminate caffiene from my diet. I also have problems with ovarian cysts. I also avoid conventionally raised animal products. I did have surgery for cysts and scar tissue from endometriosis was removed at the same time.
  10. My father had a lab when he lived on an island and she NEEDED alot of exercise. I have a giant breed/retriever cross(bloodhound and golden retriever - we think) and I would say be prepared for the puppy to get big. Do not start any habits that you would not want the pup to continue if it reaches the largest size possible for the pyranees.
  11. I would definitely call a wildlife conservation department or some sort of rehab center. I believe that vultures are technically birds of prey so I would want someone else to come take responsibility for for the possibly protected critter.
  12. I would like to try raw milk and we are currently putting up fence so we can purchase a female goat.
  13. :grouphug::grouphug: I hope things work out well.
  14. I remember reading a book some years ago (Steal This Computer book or something like that) that described how to disable such programs in such a way that they still appeared to function correctly. I tend to think that they may give a false sense of security. If I were considering one, I would research exactly how secure it really is and which one is the hardest to defeat.
  15. :lurk5:Just out of curiousity, are hybrids more expensive in the repair and maintenance department? And if so is it a little or alot?
  16. Could you apply to jobs that you know you are not qualified for but are not blatantly against your restrictions just to get your numbers up? Areas that come to mind are accounting and information technology.
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