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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. I would emphasise how detrimental being caged away from her "mom" probably is for the dog's mental state in your discussions with your sister. Depression is a very real potential problem for injured dogs and it is harder to treat than many physical complications. Dogs can literally "pine" themselves to death if they lose the will to live.
  2. That test strikes me as one of those "screening" tests to try to get nearly everyone into some sort of treatment.
  3. We chose to put one in place above our dining room table. My main reason for wanting it was to help with air circulation when power is down after hurricanes(it is much easier to power ceiling fans off a generator than a/c). The fan has not caused any problems and has been very helpful on a few occaisions.
  4. When my dd was young she always had to wear a harness in parking lots and she understood it was to keep her safe. She also wore the harness at any sort of large outdoor festival or other crowded outdoor funtion. She liked the freedom of not having to hold my hand constantly. She was a major runner.
  5. We are located in Jackson county.
  6. :iagree:We actually have to go visit my mom when dd needs dental work.
  7. If it is any comfort going on a walkabout and adopting a new family is a breed charactaristic for huskies. One followed dd and dh home once when we lived in a neighborhood and then decided our front porch was his new home. I did not want a large dog at that point in time but was willing to keep him if he needed a home. On my next day off I took him to the vet and he had a chip and they were able to contact his owner to come get him.
  8. I just started a fourth group. Here is the link: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=339446
  9. Is anyone else interested in joining a group for the self-paced class discount at Veritas Press? Here is the information about the classes: http://resource2.veritaspress.com/Resources/Scholars_Online/Scholars_Online_New_Self-Paced.html This is the information about the discount: http://resource2.veritaspress.com/Resources/Scholars_Online/Scholars_Online_Self-Paced_Group_Special.html I will need this information for each student: 1. Full student name 2. Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 3. Address (city,state,zip) 4. Student email address 5. Desired course(s) 6. Desired start date Please pm me with the information. Paypal using the gift option is an acceptable payment method.
  10. Is anyone interested in a fourth group or is there already one? I can start one if necessary.
  11. When you said that science heavy careers are out are you including technology or not? I took a class in computer forensics when working on a degree in networking and information security has numerous career possibilities along those lines.
  12. Land's End? I haven't looked lately but they generally have t-shirts with things like pintucking or ruffles on them and their t-shirts tend to be higher quality.
  13. :iagree:I agree especially with the bolded. Allergies and food sensitivities can have a very dramatic impact on behavior.
  14. The dogs that I have known that licked the floor were stressed out about something or in pain. I agree with the pp who said that the dog needs to be checked by a vet.
  15. I think it is a special function. I have not researched it but I seem to remember that it is shorthand for 5x4x3x2x1.
  16. We have video somewhere of our dog's first session with his back legs flopping uselessly and another maybe a couple of months later where his back legs are moving pretty much normally as long as the water supports his weight.
  17. :lurk5:We are currently installing fencing for dairy goats.
  18. I found a really pathetic casically feral kitten at a farm where I boarded my horse when I was a teenager. There were two kittens that we saw and a younger child was going to take one home. I took the smaller, weaker one home. This kitten was very, very weak. She wanted to claw me but was not strong enough and I had to hold her very carefully because when I picked her up gently I could feel her ribs flex under my fingers. She was always a very affectionate cat. If I recall correctly she had a normal lifespan.
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