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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. If you wanted to do leaves in different colors you could have different colors for different subjects such as science, history, fiction, ect.
  2. I would also say that I would decide what you want most from dh's schedule and try to figure out a way to have that. Ex. time with the children could he have one of the later start times and spend time with them after school and before work. Then he could sleep while they were at school. Alternatively, maybe he could help with getting them ready in the morning and on the way to school. Put them to bed earlier and get them up earlier and there would be more time in the morning for family time.
  3. Does the job run all week or M-F? When dd was born I was working at a job that required 24/7 coverage. I worked swing shift friday, saturday, sunday, and monday. Dh worked a more conventional 9-5 M-F job and took off early on monday and friday and worked from home on the weekends to make up the hours. We were able to keep our dd out of daycare this way. That exact schedule would probably not work in your situation but if the schedule is all week it does give you a little more flexibility.
  4. I would call my insurance agent and ask about my liability if a child managed to fall and injure themselves on my fence. If I would have any liability I would definitely complain to the HOA based on the liability and safety issue. I would do this in writing in case I ever needed evidence due to my liability. Regardless of the liability issue, I would plant some sort of fast growing landscaping. It is amazing how well plants can reduce noise.
  5. I have used Sunspot ES to remove some very suspicious moles without scarring.
  6. I would contact any attorneys that you know or have used in the past for things like a home purchase and ask who they would go to in that situation. I'm sorry I can't give you anything else but that is not the area I live in.
  7. My dd is currently an only child but if she were the eldest and had privileges becase she was the eldest and she did something like that she would lose all of these privileges for a period of time (at least a week).
  8. Land's End has a dog squall jacket. Even if that is not what you want looking at its features may be a good place to start. You could also layer a raincoat over a sweater. http://www.landsend.com/ix/outerwear/Outerwear/Pet/index.html?seq=1~2~3&catNumbers=1028~1302&visible=1~2~1&store=le&sort=Recommended&tab=7
  9. One thing to consider is the time of year you acquire the contacts if you are prone to hay fever in the fall or spring. Pollen that you are allergic to and contacts are a miserable combination and it would be better to have some experience with the contacts first so you know that they are not the problem.
  10. Persimmon pudding is delicious and they are also wonderful eaten raw and on their own.
  11. I think that there is some chicken first aid/home treatment information on backyard chicken forums. :grouphug:
  12. I would imagine that a certain level of bluntness will be required if multiple members of this person's family have already shut him out of their lives and he has not gotten the hint.
  13. We cross the state line at least twice a week BUT I live very close to the state line. The closest bookstore is over the state line. :D
  14. Another thought, I have terrible handwriting but I am a generally good speller. I noticed in school (this was before the days of readily available word processors/computers) that even if I mispelled something(sometimes on a spelling test) the teacher did not always go to the trouble of deciphering my scrawl to catch it. In high school one teacher sometimes had me help grade spelling tests since I was fairly good at reading scribbles. A multiple choice test would catch eliminate the bad handwriting problem.
  15. Is his nose cool and moist? I would probably take him to the vet to be checked, if his nose is not cool and moist I definitely would.
  16. I would imagine that that is where it varies depending on the teen and the situation and even the nature of the local authorities(extremely punative or more inerested in help and rehabilitation).
  17. An evil thought to stop a judgemental conversation in its tracks would be to give the impression that you know nothing about the birds and the bees and have quite a few questions. As in, "He's my brother but what do you mean by wait? How exactly do babies happen anyway? No seems to to want to answer my questions." I think most of the type of people who would ask that sort of question would retreat very, very quickly. :lol:
  18. I know someone who had an even worse, or better depending on your perspective, experience. Her son was in his twenties and prematurely greying. He was also well over six feet and heavily built and he wore a full beard. She had just dyed her hairand they went into Walmart together. She was buying some fabric and her son said that he was going to another department to look at something while the clerk was cutting the fabric. The clerk told her not to worry that she should be finished cutting the fabric before my friend's FATHER comes back. She was gleeful. Her son was embarassed.
  19. My dh is the youngest of his siblings and we married and started a family late. My dd's next oldest cousin was about 16 one time when she and her family and our family were all eating together at a restuarant. DD was a toddler at the time and her highchair was between me and her cousin. Her cousin does not get to see her very often and was enjoying playing with her and feeding her. Then dd "escaped" and tried to go running through the crowded restuarant. I immediately went after her and retrieved her and calmed the inevitable protest. The waitress commented that I must be the mother. We all laughed and told her that I was. Edited to add: My dd and her cousin do actually look very similiar. I can look at her cousin and have a very good idea of what she will look like when she is older.
  20. Even if a privacy fence is not an option at this point even a low but high enough to have to step over decorative fence or border of some type on the property line might be enough to give them the hint. It would at least make it harder to move your firepit and to get a young child into your yard. You could even tell them that you were concerned about their child coming over on his/her own without their knowledge and getting hurt.
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