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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. I would try this. Does the live pet trap have room for food and water? If you are going to be gone and cannot release him back into his cage he could be in the trap dead or sick by the time you return. I would leave food and water out for him while you are gone if you do not set up the bucket trap described above.
  2. :lurk5: We just started MCT and my dd is 6 also.
  3. :grouphug: I totally understand. I had the same sort of problems until my father died in a motorcycle accident. They barely tolerated each other for my wedding.
  4. I think that it sounds like your intuition is warning you about this doctor. I would probably not take my child to that practice anymore and go exclusively to your doctor but I have a very low tolerance for any garbage from doctors.
  5. It is really a personal decision and there are multiple factors that can impact it. We have multiple dogs and chickens and are living in a house with a metal roof that is less than 5 years old on land with good elevation for the area and no infants in the family. Also both my dh and I are from coastal areas and have lived through multiple hurricanes both as children and adults. If the hurricane were coming toward my area we would probably plan on staying put. However when Katrina was coming we were living in a neighborhood in a house that was older and we had far less confidence in. We did not have chickens and had fewer dogs and one cat. Most importantly my dd was less than 1 year old so we evacuated several counties up to a relative's house and it was not far enough for that hurricane. Yet another thing to consider is the strength of the hurricane. In general it very much depends on how you feel about risk and which risks bother you more. There is the risk from the hurricane but there is also the risk of travelling in a high traffic situation with many other stressed people. The one definitive thing that I would say is do not stay in a trailer during a hurricane and if you plan to evacuate get out soon enough so that you can be certain that you will not be trapped in your car in traffic during the storm. I would go west to get away from the storm if I were evacuating and go at least 120-150 miles. The farther you go the less likely it is that you will see much more than some rain.
  6. My mother used to have a collie that liked most people but went berserk when an airconditioning repairman came. The dog reacted right away before the repairman even looked at her system. Mom thought the repairman might be lying when he said that a new compressor was needed(very expensive). She had another repairman come out and she did not need a new compressor and the repair was much less expensive. Her collie liked the second repairman just fine.
  7. Another thought on parking cars, be careful not to park in a low spot that generally has a large puddle or worse after rain.
  8. I think that you need a disk to put in the wii so don't forget that. I probably would.;)
  9. My advice as someone who lives in a hurricane prone area is to decide now whether to stay or to evacuate and begin to make preparations as soon as possible. If you plan to evacuate get on the road before the rush. The East Coast is much more densely populated than the Gulf Coast and even Texas and there have been major traffic bottlenecks in both areas during evacuations. If you plan to stay shop for your emergency supplies that you do not already have tomorrow before everyone else cleans out the stores. Also when making your decision about whether to stay or evacuate remember to take the tornados that hurricanes spawn into account as well.
  10. I started my daughter in Kumon and when she wanted to go to "regular school" I asked her if she wanted to have to sit still and be quiet and do her work like at the Kumon center only all day every weekday. She decided that she did not want that. I also pointed out that she could not take her dog to school with her.
  11. I did not respond to the earlier thread but pork does not agree with my digestive system and I cannot consume caffeine at all. I am also very sensitive to OTC products.
  12. :iagree::iagree::iagree:One of the things that I dislike about going to the doctor is the overwhelming suspician that there must be some class in their medical training that teaches them how to be condescending.
  13. I started attending high school at a relatively diverse school that I was zoned for. Later I volunteered to go to a new magnet school where I would be very much in the minority. There was more racial tension and separation at the school that was more diverse on paper. I felt much safer and more welcomed and respected at the school where I was a minority.
  14. My dd gets to pick out a bunch of books at the thrift store after a trip to the dentist. I am not about to tell her that Toys R Us is an option.:lol:
  15. Another thing to consider would be Marfan Syndrome especially if he has extremely flexible joints. That would be fairly serious but much easier to manage if it is diagnosed at a young age.
  16. I had that done as a teen. I think that is the oral surgery that I had done on July 2 and felt well enough to spend all day at our town's Fourth of July festival two days later.
  17. :grouphug: This thread is scaring me. I have a very slender, very tall(all legs) six year old girl. I have been very, very fortunate that my mother buys most of her clothing for her
  18. You may wish to look into the free digital downloads on Project Gutenburg. They have alot of classics.
  19. :iagree:But I suspect everyone fled to the Internet and other carriers more quickly than they would have if the post office performed exceptionally well and provided excellent customer service.
  20. I would consider handsewing it. That sounds like it may be easier and faster. The issues do sound tension related though.
  21. One way the pain could be connected to the crooked tooth would be if there is an impacted (maybe extra) jaw tooth trying to come in and it is pushing on the teeth on that side. I don't think someone having extra or too few adult teeth is common but it is definitely not unheard of either.
  22. I would state that you regard the coop class as an enrichment class rather than a core class. That would avoid any miscommunication over the word socialization since it seems to have different meanings for different people.
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