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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. I do not wear makeup because I have multiple inhalent and skin allergies and don't want to take the chance of an allergic reaction. I literally make my own deodorant because I have had underarm rashes from expensive natural ones. I have to be very careful of the personal care products that I use so I minimize my use of such products.
  2. A husky followed my dd and dh home once and decided that our front porch was his new home. I carried him to the vet to be checked for a chip and he had one and they called his owner to come retrieve him. It is a little hard to tell but I think his build may have been a little heavier than the dog pictured.
  3. I am sure your dog is well trained but I would be cautious due to the presence of the dog. Our dogs get much more protective if they sense that something is wrong with their person. Also some people are afraid of dogs.
  4. A legal alternative for many types of software that would be free or very inexpensive would be open source software. For example Linux vs. Windows or Gimp vs. Corel.
  5. As far as a source of caffine goes, does your mother like chocolate? the only type that does not have caffine is white chocolate. The darker it is the more caffine it has.
  6. I answered other, my dd was born in the hospital and I was very dissatisfied. We are now trying to concieve and that baby will be born at home barring transfer. I did not want to have dd in the hospital but dh "couldn't cope with a homebirth". He has since decided that a homebirth is much easier to cope with than a wife with PTSD from the way she was abused at the hospital.
  7. My dd6 can act very bratty at times and she gets put on restriction. She loses all screen priveleges and all sweets for a week at a time. If she misbehaves further during that week she gets another week and so on. The first few times she ended up on restriction for a month or more then it finally penetrated her stubborn little mind that there would be serious consequences for misbehavior and her behavior improved dramatically. She loses sweets and screen time because these things are very important to her. In her case it takes relatively long term consequences to get her her attention, otherwise she just out waits whatever punishment she is given and continues to misbehave. What does he value most that is nonessential?
  8. From your description of what you want to do, it sounds more like midwifery than nursing.
  9. If you want to you could just keep feeding it and use a live trap to catch it and take it to the vet to be "fixed" and then release it back into its normal enviornment afterwards. That is what we planned to do with our kitten. We brought him in and carried him to the vet the next day. I kept him in for long enough to be absolutely certain that he was completely recovered and he decided that he was now an indoor cat. If I had caught him in a trap instead of cuddling him and put him back outside as soon as possible I probably would not have ended up with an indoor cat. I would definitely have the kitten "fixed" since you definitely do not want a colony of feral cats living nearby.
  10. This does not sound good. We live across the state line in MS but we sometimes go to Mobile for things like the Exploreum. I would definitely prefer not to be hasseled when we do.
  11. If I were hosting a large outdoor party, I would definitely handle it this way. My primary reason would be one that has not been mentioned yet, pets. Our dogs would stay calm and quiet if shut up in the far bedroom but if they became aware of the presence of strangers in the house they would go bonkers and one of them would be nervous for days. Some cats are very determined about trying to get out of the house. You would think that no one would let the small cute dog that is in a crate bristling and growling out but you never can tell.
  12. :iagree:I agree with this advice. I would add one thing, when you can pick up the kitten and are ready to introduce it to the indoors, bring it in for the first time on a day when the weather outside is miserable and show it a bowl of food and water right away. We did this with a feral kitten and he refused to ever go outside again until we moved to a new house. In his case his relatives(other feral cats) were mean to him and he had decided that we were far less scary than they were. He was always somewhat timid.
  13. The Kumon price sounds about the same as our local Kumon center. I have not personally priced Sylvan but someone who had spoken with them asked me how much I paid for Kumon and said that the price that they had been quoted for Sylvan was much higher. Kumon generally has 2 classes a week but they have work that is sent home to do every day. It is not an overwhelming amount if it is done on a daily basis but I would imagine that it would not be particularly fun to have to do 3 days work all on the same day if she does not keep up with it. I imagine that that would be especially true at the higher levels.(My dd is 6 and is on level B in math.) Kumon is not necessarily a quick fix. They will test your dd and put her on a starting level that seems very easy to her. The idea is to let her form the habit of doing her Kumon work and build confidence before the work becomes more difficult. They also want to go back far enough to address any gaps in comprehension that are making math at the higher levels difficult for her. I don't know whether you view this as a pro or a con but they do not use calculators in Kumon. I regard it as a pro myself. If you have any more questions I can try to answer them. My dd has been in Kumon for over 1.5 years now and I have read some about the whys of various aspects of their approach. I do not know as much about the high school levels as I do the ones that my dd has done and is doing.
  14. I am not 100% certain but I believe that Homeschool Legal Advantage will help in custody situations. It sounds to me as if the OP's ex is trying to use homeschooling as a bargaining chip.
  15. I attended a magnet school in the late 80s in a nearby city and there was some of the same negative attitude from the locals about that.
  16. I have occaisionally offered a few things like a small piece of carrot or a dab of plain yogurt but they have not seemed overly impressed and I generally have to remove the uneaten food so it does not spoil. Carrot root was the most popular but they would not come out for it or run to it. It only disappears after no one has been in the room for a while.
  17. We have had two different winter white hamsters and his behavior sounds normal compared to our two. From what I have read the winter whites tend to be mellower than other hamsters and in the case of the two we have had it bordered on lazy. Our current one has two linked cages and a wheel in each cage. He sleeps in one of the wheels and rarely goes into the other cage. I have noticed more activity in late afternoon/early evening and early morning than in the middle of the night and some sources suggest that hamsters may be diurnal rather than nocturnal and that pattern would fit that description better.
  18. Be very careful checking the toenails, if one is hurt even the most docile dog may try to bite. That is in fact on of the tests vets do to check the extent/severity of spinal damage in dogs.
  19. I have heard of using cayenne pepper applied to the area but have never tried it myself. I have also heard of using a clove the same way but I have not tried that either.
  20. One of the first things I saw was 50 lbs. of organic popcorn. I don't think even my dh could eat that much popcorn in less than two years. They may be marketing to those interested in storing a large amount of food. I would like to have more food stored than I do.
  21. It may take time to catch him. I would start getting him used to being fed, then try stayng while he eats. After he starts getting used to your presence you can gradually move closer and eventually touch and finally catch the kitten. Then I strongly reccommend a trip to the vet for him.
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