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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. Definitely, I have numerous sensitivites and if I find myself craving something I start questioning whether or not I am developing a sensitivity to it. Eliminating chocolate from my diet was very challenging.
  2. This article has some information and has a link to even more information if you are interested. http://www.birthactivist.com/
  3. I would lean toward the casting as the least invasive. From what you say I would not trust the "one size fits all" doctor. I knew a girl in college who had multiple surgeries at Shriner's when she was very young. I would not say that her long term results were very good. She could use braces and crutches but generally used a wheelchair. However, she was born in the early seventies and I don't think that nearly as many babies with issues such as prematurity survived then. She also did not have an effective family advocate and felt like she was treated like a guinea pig. I don't know how much impact the surgery had versus the relative lack of effective physical therapy available at the time. I also don't know how much imact her efforts or lack thereof at physical therapy might have had. The sad thing is I strongly suspect that if she were born today her disability would be virtually undetectable with proper treatment. I would definitely look into all options and try to wait on anything permanent until your dd could be involed in the decision making or at least understand the reasons better.
  4. :confused: I can totally believe that a school sytem would do this but how do they get away with it?
  5. I went to the site with the petition and the petition also listed two other books by different authors that also recommend hitting babies under one year. I think I need the puking frownie(I don't think that would be a smilie). I had no idea that there were that many books like that out there.
  6. I had a bad burn on one leg from a kerosene heater when I was about five. My mother immediately split open an aloe vera frond and applied that. There was some faint discoloration during childhood but now I couldn't even tell you which leg it was.
  7. My understanding is also that the laws that are being used to ban homeschooling in Germany now date to the Nazi era. Not a pleasant thought at all.
  8. I would be strongly tempted to very obviously react to contractions at multiple points during every worker's compensation meeting. If they start worrying about the baby coming right then and there in their office they will be much less inclined to schedule meetings. (I know that that is actually, hopefully very unlikely but the thought does tend to cause panic in many people and I see no reason for you not to use that to your advantage.)
  9. My dd6's pediatric dentist would prefer that she go back alone but when they suggest it to her she wraps her arms around my leg or waist. Needless to say I go back with her.
  10. I hate group projects. However, my teammates were generally very glad to have me on the team. That pretty much sums up why I hate group projects. :glare: I had one partner who even tried to get out of the final presentation. I threatened to sit on him and I was pregnant at the time.
  11. And miniature goats don't get too terrribly large. Also the whethers(fixed males) are generally pretty cheap.
  12. We had a dachshund when I was a child with a very strong hunting instinct who would go down and investigate any burrow she found. My dad always worried that she would encounter a snake and it would bite her. However the dachshunds that I have now and have had in the past as an adult have not had nearly as much of a hunting instinct so you might have to search for a "working" line rather than show ancestry. And I am not certain that anyone hunts with dachshunds anymore.
  13. Our bloodhound/golden retriever(we think, she was a stray and I do not plan to pay for any DNA analysis) mix alerted us to the rattlesnake that was within 100 feet of our back door.
  14. My dd's birthday is in early November. I generally shop for everything at once and divy it up when wrapping. This is the first year she is getting a fairly large gift(digital piano) for one or the other and she will receive that one for her birthday.
  15. I don't know if they can be canned but they are delicious stuffed with cheddar and cream cheese and wrapped with bacon.
  16. I think that might be a developmental thing. I remeber that when I had my dd in kindermusik one of the exercises was supposed to help the toddlers learn to try to catch themselves if they fall. Dd did not cooperate with that one because she was in my lap where she knew she was safe.
  17. I tried to do this with MCT which I was planning on starting in third grade, my dd6 found the books within a week and read 80 pages of Grammar Island in one sitting. Does anyone have any suggestions for reading ahead with an accelerated learner without having to completely scrap your prior plans when they find the new items that have come into the house?:tongue_smilie:
  18. Or better yet the town and the internet. It could follow him a long time on the net.
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