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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. :lurk5:I think that I would like to try a different enchilada sauce also.
  2. I now realize that when I was in school I learned far more from my independent reading than I did in the classroom. The only classes that were remotely challenging were the AP courses that I took in high school.
  3. I have been known to threaten dd with restriction on top of the injury if she injures herself doing fill in the blank. The threat of restriction seems to get her attention far better than being told she is likely to hurt herself.
  4. We are in the path and are making some preparations but I am not freaking out. We are far enough north to not be flooded (When we bought the land we checked for evidence of flooding during Katrina and the land had not flooded).
  5. Our dachshunds sleep in the bed with us. They are also very affectionate with their person througout the day.
  6. This is what I did. I even stretched it somewhat further by using belts. However, I despise clothes shopping and am not very fashion conscious.
  7. I use a tracfone and am very happy with it. I buy the biggest minute card once a year. I was buying cards more often at one point so I have a major buildup of months of service.
  8. I answered no. I do own an iron but I have not seen it since we moved and the only time I was even mildly tempted to look for it was when I was sewing an outfit for dd.
  9. This was the way I interpreted the original post as well.
  10. I was an only and I currently have an only child. I would like another child and dd wants a sibling.
  11. Thank you! My library has Manga but I have not looked into it very extensively yet. I definitely will now.
  12. My dh was against homeschooling originally. He wanted dd7 to go to a private school. We both agreed that the public schools in our state were not an option. He made the tactical error of giving me an ultimatum that if I wanted to homeschool I would have to handle everything related to it. As soon as it was out of his mouth he realized that there was no way he could handle everything related to dd attending school(especially the drive to drop her off and pick her up). He also realized that he did not want the job of getting dd ready in the morning since he has trouble getting himself up and ready in a timely manner. As a compromise I enrolled dd in Kumon so she would get a limited "school" experience and started teaching her. She is now about 2 years ahead of where she would be if she were in a private school and dh is definitely supportive of homeschooling.
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