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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. One thing I am doing with dd7 is getting her some inexpensive needleworking supplies. She seems to be interested in learning to crochet. I am lurking since our budget is currently tight also.
  2. I am going to be wearing some very "distressed" pants to go check under the house to make sure the chickens did not lay any eggs under there when I shut them up under there for Isaac.
  3. I have the OT and Ancient Egypt regular self-paced course and I just went into it and redid dd's last lesson with no problems.
  4. :lurk5:I was looking for one at some point in the past and I think I ended up just making something up.
  5. Same here. Of course I have to admit that I hate clothes shopping and generally don't like "trendy" clothes. Land's End mixes and matches well, I would rather spend my time and mental energy doing curriculum research than figuring out outfits.
  6. :iagree:The acid in the coke could have drawn the nicotine out of the tobacco.
  7. Am I the only one that is waiting less than patiently for the Once a Month Mom website to come back up? I wanted to cook some muffins that I saw the recipe for on their site today. I also wanted to look at the new menu before I went grocery shopping.:glare:
  8. My mother does not like legos so I did not have any as a child. I do not believe that this was a problem. However, I have purchased legos for dd7. In fact, there is a large spongebob set hidden that she will get for her birthday. She loves legos and pretty much any other building-type toy.
  9. Thank you! I will also definitely check out the other free sites listed as well.
  10. :iagree:And I seriously doubt we would have gone out long enough for it to get to that point if he was the type to propose in public.
  11. Look on the bright side, an adult human that you can talk to is probably easier to manage than a large yellow lab with one completely through her tongue(yes I have had to deal with that).
  12. In that case it is definitely Wolf's job to cut it into smaller more manageable portions before you try to prepare or cook it. But please take a picture and post it first.
  13. :iagree:I absolutely would not allow her to take the children without me but I probably would facilitate some sort of contact.
  14. If they could find out the address of the previous owner that might be a good place to check. :grouphug:
  15. :lol::lol::lol: I imagine that there are some people now who don't know how to cope with ice trays.
  16. We are getting alot of rain and some wind but it isn't too terribly bad. We still have power.
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