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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. :iagree:When we purchased appliances for our kitchen I chose black. Dh likes stainless but I put my foot down.
  2. We school year round but today was dd's first day of classical conversations ever. She enjoyed it and did very well. Then she came home and slept for 3 hours.
  3. :iagree:My mother had this happen several times while she was teaching. Thankfully she is retired now but she taught in a very inner city school for years.
  4. :grouphug: It is a very strange coincidence that dh's depression dramatically improved shortly after his mother moved two(large) states away.
  5. Reading is one of my all time favorite activities. Other solo activities are spinning, weaving, sewing, and cooking. My favorite fun group activity is the Society for Creative Anachronism.
  6. You might be able to find something on this site. They also have archives for at least a year. I have mostly used the vegetarian menu but I have been very happy with those recipes. http://onceamonthmom.com/ You can follow the links to the individual recipes without joining.
  7. As far as the school goes, that is yet another in the increasingly long list of reasons that I homeschool. Dd7 is not a compliant child and when confronted she tends to escalate. In the case of the parents I wonder if they are of the "support the public schools by sending your children there at all costs" mindset. I do not agree with that view at all but I know it exists. Some of the anti-homeschooling blogposts and such seem to have that view.
  8. The most traumatic part of dance for me was when I had to figure out makeup and how to keep dd's hair in place for the concert. I have not seen my makeup since we moved and if we find it I need to throw it out because it is now a health hazard due to age.
  9. I kept dd rearfacing until she was about 18 months old. She was relatively content rearfacing but was very prone to carsickness. I literally carried an extra outfit for her any time we were going any significant distance(and we live in the country). Turning her carseat did dramatically improve her carsickness.
  10. It is pretty far away but the exploreum is generally fun. There is alot more to do downtown such as museums and Ft. Conde.
  11. The track is not really in the city per se. It is in the Theodore/Tillman's Corner area. I can't really think of anything extremely close but the track is close to the interstate.
  12. I would consider either a B&N or an amazon gift card. Depending on the budget I would consider either a nook or a kindle if she does not already have one. In any case she will probably want to take at least some books in some form.
  13. :grouphug: No suggestions just :grouphug:. Of course if you do decide to move it is nice down here. There is an empty house next door.
  14. The fat can actually be used in some recipes. I believe duck fat is regarded as highly desirable.
  15. If you use the stock in a recipe you may need to adjust the salt in the recipe since your broth will have much less salt than store-bought broth. Even if you add more salt than the recipe calls for you will probably have much less overall salt than you would have had using commercial broth.
  16. Can anyone recomend a good starting crochet book for a girl that will be 8 when she receives it? I have purchased some crochet hooks for dd7 for christmas and want to get her an instructional/project book as well.
  17. I could imagine living in a hexayurt but not a completely round one because I could not imagine living without plenty of full bookshelves.:D
  18. I don't tolerate caffiene well so I had to eliminate chocolate from my diet a long time ago.
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