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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. Yep. If steroids helped the president so much, why are they not available to everyone who has tested positive for covid regardless of how ill they are deemed to be? My son was sent home with instructions to call 911 if he was struggling to breathe. He suffered alone for over three weeks not to mention the post covid fatigue. Isn't Christie also diabetic?
  2. I do not recall ever having abandoned cart in parking lot. However, if I were facing the original poster's situation, I would abandon cart in a heartbeat.
  3. I was born atheist and have remained atheist, so that obviously colors my response. The big bang theory or similar theories seem far more credible to me than an invisible all knowing deity creating universe. Young earth creationism is, well, let's just leave it at prior to homeschooling, I assumed young earth believers were on fringe similar to flat earthers.
  4. My son works nights in a building within a couple blocks of protests. The supervisor sent them home early a couple nights when explosives (flash bangs?) rattled windows. Other than that, it has had no impact on his daily routine.
  5. Happened few years ago to a lovely, kind you lady I work with. She married the man that did it. I was concerned but other co-workers who knew her better said she seemed happy. I hope it works out for her; they have one baby and are expecting their second. Sadly she works remotely now that she moved back to their small town her beau did not wish to leave.
  6. Would not bother me at all. Doubt I would take a second look.
  7. Almost any song by Townes Van Zandt. He was once asked why he did not write some happy songs. He replied that those were his happy songs.
  8. Is it possible you told ex mother in law about your son's marriage because you are more comfortable with his being married than living with a woman? Maybe ex-mil had intent to manipulate you into sharing news re marriage. Instead of giving *any* personal details about someone else to a known mean-spirited troublemaker, why not de-fang with, "Oh, it's been a while since I've seen him/her" or "he/she is doing well as far as I know."
  9. I had a relative who has tendency toward similar gifting behavior. Told her I wanted fresh flowers. It constitutes a gift, and they will die on their own in week or so. I made the flowers decision after years of her monitoring whether and how much I used the gifts she bought.
  10. The IRS updated instructions a few days ago for how to return a payment you are not due. https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/economic-impact-payment-information-center See question 54 on the webpage.
  11. No, you are not the only one. I allegedly have a significantly compromised immune system and I guess I am technically elderly , yet still I do not catch other people's bugs . On the few occasions that I do contract something, it is a much milder version. I wash my hands less than what CDC recommends. Never wore mask even when my oncologist recommended it. Coronavirus has made its way to my state. At work a shot nurse administers annual flu vaccines which I did start taking couple years ago at urging of oncologist. I doubt I have ever had the flu. Apparently my immune system is adept at fending off viruses, but not so much the bigger scarier diseases.
  12. My immune system is compromised from liver disease cancer treatment. I would have no problem eating either pizza or salad. Oddly lucky in that I still either do not catch others' viruses, or, if I do, it is a much milder barely-there version. Eventually my luck will run out.
  13. I would let it go. Focus on your other friendships or develop new ones.
  14. For purposes of my reply, I am assuming that lease or purchase contract stipulated it was a 55+ community, and grandparents agreed to those terms and conditions. No, I do not blame the HOA. In fact, giving them five or six months to work out a solution is pretty generous on HOA's part. No, the grandson should not be allowed to stay if residents vote. If ALL residents agree to changing the terms and conditions permanently, that is a different matter. If they agree to that, I would wonder why they sought out a senior community. Based upon information provided, the grandparents have no standing to sue HOA nor should they be due a refund of HOA fees. Should we prohibit HOAs and segregated communities? Neither are my cup of tea. I prefer diverse neighborhoods where people maintain their property to reasonable standards without oversight of HOAs. However, I do believe that people who purchase homes in a seniors only community have reasonable expectation that all full time residents are indeed seniors.
  15. Since you wish to respond in spite of not feeling emotionally safe, how about something like, "Oh, how wonderful all of you will be in Boston. That is only a couple hours from me. Would you like to get together in ________ (Boston or Maine) on _______ (date)? If that does not work for you, we are open to other times and places." I would not tell your son if and until times and dates have been confirmed. It is kind of you to reach out to them, and I sincerely hope that they recognize your effort.
  16. Two of my three children changed their middle names. Eldest, who is a transgendered ftm, changed his feminine middle name (my mother's first name) to his father's first name. Fortunately eldest child's first name was unisex, so no change needed there. The youngest changed her middle name from deceased paternal grandmother's maiden name to deceased paternal grandmother's lovely first name. She reminded me that a few years ago I had said I would pay for a name change once to be fair since had paid for eldest sibling name change. I paid the court fees for both name changes. Does not bother me one iota. I consider it a basic right to call someone whatever name they wish to use.
  17. I have never followed the People of Walmart or other sites/pages whose main attraction is to ridicule people whose circumstances they know nothing about. It reminds me of a cyber version of slam book. Recently joined a discussion group for a certain reality tv show. Now I am truly concerned for the future of humanity because their cruelty, ignorance and bigotry is proudly displayed. I complained to a mod when someone posted photos comparing a gorilla to one of the cast members, who was a person of color. Mod's response was that it was in poor taste but not against the rules because the poster was only claiming that the cast member "looked like a gorilla." Uh, yeah, that was my point. I left group.
  18. Yes, it was done under local anesthesia in doctor's office.
  19. My husband's lipoma was on his back. It had grown to about the size and dimensions of a McDonald's regular size hamburger. Was removed in dermatologist's office.
  20. The dog's plate was in addition to her own leftovers plate. Indeed she herself will eat only the turkey breast.
  21. More of my dismay had to do with the relative's attitude than the dish. She *asked* if she could bring something, so I said to bring whatever she wanted. That was not sufficient apparently, so she insisted that I tell her what to bring. When she arrived with the dish, she complained about how much trouble it was (deviled eggs) and huffily tossed it on countertop with such force that most of the eggs bounced up against the lid or sides. No one went hungry for want of a deviled egg; I had enough to feed army. I often make doggie bags with little plastic bone stickers on them for guests' dogs. Naturally I tend to use the less desirable but still edible parts of the turkey and ham for doggie bags. She made her own doggie takeout plate densely stacked about 2 inches high with white turkey meat because her little dog was "allergic" to the dark meat. We had a good laugh after she left.
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