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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. No pool and got rid of hot tub years ago. We close our bedroom door prior to having sex. All our kids understand that a closed door means we’re sleeping, showering, dressing or having sex.
  2. Yes, she still has key and walks in. If it is a planned event such as dinner party, then I know she is joining us.
  3. My local adult child is welcome in my home anytime with no advance notification. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
  4. My neurodivergent adult son found janitorial work to be tolerable.
  5. I’ve served sliced apples with Rainforest brand crackers spread with cream cheese. You can freeze the cream cheese; just remember to thaw in time for guests. My grocery stocks frozen baguette bread. Pita crackers will keep for months and are good with hummus. You could also do a mini charcuterie board.
  6. No, I do not track my sleep because I do not want to be bothered with tracking yet something else. Although I tend to have better quality sleep now that I am retired, years ago I gave up on any sleep aids or treatments. Nothing that was prescribed had any effect whatsoever on me. Same with supplements or rituals such as warm scented bath or soothing sounds. My approach was to get up after an hour or so if I could not fall asleep. Would start my day sometimes at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. and eventually would fall asleep the following night. Of course, that strategy can be difficult to implement, but for me it outweighed the anxiety about not being able to fall asleep.
  7. PS. To qualify as a gift, you have to give up all rights to assets gifted. It is not a gift if you expect any sort of repayment. I would proceed with caution regarding an advance on inheritance unless one has more than enough assets to cover their anticipated retirement needs including unforeseen things such as long term care.
  8. I would say no unless you have funds on hand to pay off full mortgage. Have seen co-signing ruin family and friend relationships. Anything could happen, and future is unpredictable. I learned by experience to make gifts instead of loans.
  9. The people I know, including myself, whose are whole body deodorizers also bathe daily at least once and often a second time after running in heat or working out. If someone thinks a whole body spray can replace soap and water, then I am glad that they do use body spray to mask their body odor.
  10. Maybe as far as marketing goes, it may be new thing. However, there are many of us who have been adapting other deodorant products and miscellaneous products for whole body use for decades. Of course, you wouldn’t apply an irritating product on mucosal membranes but there are workarounds. I’ve been a whole body de-stinker since my 20s and am now in my 60s. I do indeed have sensitive skin and have adapted my products accordingly. I never felt need to get personal hygiene advice from a gynecologist. While I’ve never tried the Lume and newer products, I may check them out but I know there are far less expensive alternatives.
  11. When I make Thai chicken soup, I do two separate batches in order to have vegetarian option since I do not generally like taste and texture of meat. For the vegetarian option, I omit the chicken, use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth and add more mushrooms and red bell pepper. Although we do not add noodles to our Thai chicken or vegetable soups, you could add zucchini spirals.
  12. Thank you for helping this young woman ease into adulthood that she was not prepared for due to her unfortunate upbringing. If the friend is familiar with the young woman’s home life, then shame on her for contacting mom. Going forward, I would not include her in any delicate situation nor would I ever confide in her since at best she has poor judgment and at worst she is not trustworthy.
  13. A blind family friend lived with us for two years. I can vouch for what your friend said about the ride to appointments being a no-show. Her state insurance plan was supposed to provide transportation's as one of the benefits. The volunteer ride program was a joke. At the time, I was still working so we often had Uber or Lyft take her and just paid for it ourselves. I can empathize but have no consistently reliable solution. Providing resources for the low income elderly and disabled frankly have always been a low priority in our profit driven society. My blind friend moved to a Millennia managed subsidized apartment. It took years but Millenia finally got out of the subsidized housing business last year. They were constantly in court dragging their feet and claiming that by end of next month, the issues would be resolved. The apartments were without air conditioner over a month in hottest part of year, had bedbug and other creepy crawly infestations, without reliable heat in winter, and there was often feces and urine in common spaces. It had been stepped in and tracked across common spaces. That may be hard to believe but I saw it with my own eyes and have videos of it.
  14. Here is how: .2 * .2 = .04 which is a 4% chance. If I made computational error, please correct me, board members. Of course, this does not factor in other weather attributes that could affect probability of severe weather.
  15. What is it that each of you truly want that would totally destroy the other one?
  16. Decided against giving any advice or opinion on matter.
  17. I suffer from lifelong navigational disability including the ability to determine cardinal and ordinal directions at any point unless there are visual clues. I am far from stupid and worked hard to find my way around. Yes, it has been hurtful when people without navigational disability question me or worse yet, ridicule me when I can’t tell which way is north. I managed to do lots of hiking and backpacking sticking to trails. Once I used a USGS quad map when a small group of us did off trail hiking in Smokies. When I moved to current city, I bought a street atlas, cut and connected the pages on various poster boards and spent couple weeks driving around area with my poster board maps. One co-worker was so obnoxious about it that I uttered my first ever obscenity at work but he and his sidekicks backed off. it is not helpful to me when GPS tells me to N S E or W instead of right or left.
  18. No. My guess is that shirt is stained, not dirty. I have never been able to get worked up about what people wear, plumber’s crack, cleavage, revealing tight clothing. I would refer to local health department inspection score and details in report if I suspected lack of cleanliness or simply stop going to establishment.
  19. I would enjoy my coffee and not give a second thought to way employee is dressed. Sounds like you’ve been satisfied with shop long term. If she is a slacker, they will get rid of her.
  20. I have a few clients and friends who own downtown condos in addition to their “regular” homes which are about half hour away. Some of reasons for the condo are so they can attend downtown events and not have to drive back to regular home afterwards and they do not have to hassle with parking downtown.
  21. Don’t beat yourself up over it. I took my three year old to pediatrician the day she complained about her ear and woke up with fever. She had had a mild cold, but seemed normal and energetic in days prior to ear issue discovery. She ran, climbed and did normal tot activities. The pediatrician we saw that day jumped onto me and said there was no way she had just came down with the infection and was quite intimidating , just stopping short of accusing me of neglect. Never returned to their practice again. That ear infection was only one she ever had.
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